Dreamers (The Dreamers Series)

Free Dreamers (The Dreamers Series) by Brooklin Skye

Book: Dreamers (The Dreamers Series) by Brooklin Skye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooklin Skye
her lip. “I was wondering, well thinking…do you think maybe can I take you on a date? Like a real date-ish kind of thingy?” She shyly stutters over her words.
    Dominick crosses my mind, making me question whether my answer would be more for him than her. I uncomplicate things by going with the first reaction that comes to mind.
    “Um,” I stammer. “Yes.”
    A huge smile paints her face, and I think I almost see a jump in her step as she rushes toward me, bombarding me with a hug.
    “Really? Awesome. What time will you be home?”
    “Around seven or so, I think.”
    “Eight it is then. Dress nice, we’re going to Buckhead.”
    “Can’t wait. Have fun at your mom’s.”
    “Right.” She grimaces.
    The entire drive to Mia’s is filled with a sloshy mess of mind clutter. Heather and Dominick each equally dominate my thoughts. I’m not responsible for Dominick, he’s a bully. He forces his way into my dreams and yet for some reason I still feel obligated to help him. I can’t imagine being in his position. Under his rough exterior he’s so fragile and lost. He’s hurting.
    As for Heather, things are great. I’m actually proud of her boldness in asking a straight girl on a date, that’s a large chunk of my reasoning for accepting. I do like her—love her, even. In what way? I’m not sure quite yet. I feel something, that’s for certain, but I don’t know if it’s him toying with me or if it’s my own feelings. I have to watch my daytime reactions to Heather very closely. That’s the only way to really know for sure how I feel about her. Part of me hopes to feel something. She’s amazing in so many ways. The only way to tell for sure is to see tonight, on our—date-ish thingy, as she called it. One way or another, I need to sort this out—in MY world. A world that doesn’t include Dominick.
    I turn the volume to the max, enjoying the quick rough voice of System of a Down. Funny, I listen to the song realizing my life is a kind of in aerials right now.
    I’m so lost in my own head that by the time I turn into Mia’s driveway I‘ve completely forget to pick up lunch.
    “Aunt Sydney!” two boys’ voices call in unison, attacking me the moment I unlock the door.
    “My babies! I’ve missed you guys like crazy.” I capture them both in a rocking bear hug. “Have you been little devils for your mom?” I ask.
    “I was an angel.” Aiden beams.
    “I was a devil.” Alex follows with a sneaky smile.
    “That’s okay, you’re MY devil!” Alex squeals happily as I attack him with tickles.
    “Mom! Aunt Sydney says it’s okay if I’m a devil. That means I can have my Xbox back,” Alex yells to Mia.
    Mia walks in half frowning, half smirking. “No, you cannot, Alex. You put a shrimp in your brother’s pillowcase.”
    I laugh out loud, failing miserably as I try to cover the cackling sound behind my hand. This sets off a domino of giggles, except from Aiden, who wasn’t very amused that his room smells like dead shrimp.
    “Okay, everyone, let’s eat, I’m starving.” Mia looks expectantly at me. “Where’s the wings, Syd?”
    “Um, I forgot to pick them up. I’m sorry, Mi. My mind is all over the place today. Don’t they deliver?”
    Mia eyes me curiously. “Hmm….let’s just go to the pizza buffet. We can scoot the boys into the arcade while you fill me in on what’s going on,” she whispers.
    “Sounds good to me,” I shrug. “Come on, boys, its pizza time!”
    They squeal as we all pile into my tiny Focus. Luckily I still have my own booster seats so we don’t have to take Mia’s mommy-mobile.
    The ride is short but allots us enough time to catch up on the last couple of days. Mia is totally overloaded with school, and the boys talk about their teacher and her obsession with pigs. Aiden actually comments that if he sees one more pig he will scream. Alex is too concerned with getting to the restaurant to care about pigs, teachers, or school. As I park the car, I

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