Fit for Love (A Stand By Me Novel Book 3)

Free Fit for Love (A Stand By Me Novel Book 3) by Brinda Berry

Book: Fit for Love (A Stand By Me Novel Book 3) by Brinda Berry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brinda Berry
really lucky to be able to support me and Ryder with my songs.”
    We reach the turn into Gunner’s drive. “Ryder,” I say, because I’m determined to forge a bond with this kid. “My friend has a horse. We’re going to feed it carrots. What do you think about that?”
    And for the first time, he smiles.

Chapter Seven

Calling Dibs
    A iden

    G unner and his fiancée , Kiley, greet us like we’re their favorite people on the planet. After the introductions, Makenna and Kiley walk ahead of us on the stone path that winds beside Gunner’s cabin. Ryder rabbit hops every third step as he walks between them, holding one hand from each girl.
    The cool air feels great on my face after the car ride. It’s sunny enough that light streams through the leaves of huge oak trees lining the path.
    The weathered gray wood of the barn looks straight out of a magazine. I pull out my phone and take a picturesque shot of the girls and Ryder walking ahead. A calico barn cat runs across the path in front of them. Ryder releases their hands to make a grab for it, and he squeals with excitement. The horse will definitely be a hit.
    “Cute kid,” Gunner says.
    “Uh huh.” I keep my tone as even as I possibly can.
    “You said that funny.”
    “No, I didn’t.”
    “I heard it. I’ve known you all my life. I know the difference between ‘uh huh’ and ‘uh huh.’”
    “Those were the same.” I fake-smile and stick my phone back in my jeans pocket.
    “Tell Gunner what’s wrong.” He slows his steps so we don’t catch up to the girls.
    “I will if you don’t refer to yourself in third person.”
    He chuckles under his breath. “Man, you’re crabby. You are not going to be a fun date for them.”
    “I’m trying. It’s just…I’m at a loss. Ryder already dislikes me, and I don’t know why. He’s given me dirty looks from the minute I met him.”
    “Hell. He’s a kid. He probably skipped his nap today.”
    “No,” I say as I smile at the girls and Ryder standing in front of the barn door. “It’s like I’ve done something to him, but I can’t figure out what.”
    “Maybe he doesn’t like men. If he’s been alone with his mama for his entire life… Wait a minute. I know what it is.” Gunner comes to a stop.
    “Hurry up,” Kiley yells.
    “Coming,” Gunner yells back to her but continues to look at me. “You know what’s happened, don’t you?”
    “No. But I suppose you, man with no children, have it figured out.”
    “You’re stealing his woman.”
    I shake my head, amused. “He’s three. Three.”
    “Those breasts were probably all his, in the not-so-distant past.”
    “Don’t talk about her breasts. I’ll be the only one doing that.”
    “See. You’re already calling dibs on them. He senses it. Relax and don’t let the kid scare you. By the end of the night, he’ll change his mind. You’re a nice guy. You’ll figure out how to talk with him.”
    Maybe he’s right. The boy will understand soon enough that I’m not a threat.
    Glancing over at Gunner, I stay silent. He lost his dad to meth. I lost my dad when I was a baby. His dad sits in prison. My dad lies in the ground.
    Both of us lack male role models.
    I look at Ryder, pulling on Makenna’s hand because they aren’t going inside the barn.
    Kiley places her hands on her hips. Ryder breaks free and runs toward us. Finally. The kid just needs to warm up to me.
    “See?” Gunner says.
    When Ryder reaches us, he extends a small hand and grabs Gunner’s fingers. “Come. On,” he says, pulling Gunner with no real results.
    I cock my head to the side and nod. “It’s me. I knew it was me.”
    Gunner picks Ryder up and lifts him onto his shoulders. Ryder giggles as they walk toward the barn. Perfect. I should figure out what Gunner’s done right.
    It shouldn’t matter so much if he’s not enamored with me right off the bat. But it does.
    One look at Makenna sends a vitamin shot of happy straight into my veins. She has a huge grin

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