Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)

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Book: Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion) by Adrian Milan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian Milan
little concerned. I tried calling his cell just in case he overslept or something, but it just goes straight to voicemail. This is not like him at all.”
         “I know. And you’re right, it’s not like him. I tried calling him too, but I got the same thing, voicemail.”
         “I guess it’s safe to assume that things didn’t go as planned with you two yest,...”
         Before Milly could finish her sentence Derrick came flying down the hall like a one man stampede. He made a beeline straight towards the time clock so that he could punch in on time. Derrick pushed the ticket in the slot and then checked the time/date stamp on it.
         “8:59am. Barely made it by the skin of my damn teeth.”
         He was clearly agitated and wrestling with his briefcase as he returned his time card back to its slot. Satin stepped out of her office to wave good morning to him, but Derrick was clearly making a conscious effort to not look in her direction. He rushed passed Milly without even saying good morning, stepped into his office and slammed the door behind himself. Milly looked across the hall at Satin to get eye contact with her and she mouthed the word; “WOW.” Satin just nodded her head and went back inside of her office. After about 15 minutes Satin couldn’t take it anymore. She called Derrick’s cell again. She got his voicemail again. So she picked up the house phone and called Derrick’s direct line.
         “Mergers and Acquisitions, Derrick Billings Office, this is Milly speaking, how can I help you today?”
         Satin was confused. She was sure that she had just dialed Derrick’s direct line.
         “I’m sorry Milly, I must have misdialed. I was trying to reach Derrick.”
         “No Ma’am, you didn’t misdial. Mr. Billings has had all of his calls routed to my desk. He said that he is not to be disturbed.”
         “Not to be disturbed? What is going on with him Milly?”
         “I’m not really sure Ms. Silverstone. I’ve never seen him like this. And he hasn’t said anything to me. He was fine when he left here yesterday for you two to spend the day together.”
         Just then, Lila was talking to Satin on her intercom.
         “Ms. Silverstone, you have Mr. Pique waiting for you on line 2.”
         “Thank you Lila. Milly, I’ll have to call back later. I’ll reach out to him at the end of the business day.”
         “ Yes Ma’am, um, did you want to leave any kind of message for him?”
         “No, no message. I need to speak with him face to face. You have a nice day, Milly. And don’t let him stress you out.”
         Satin got off the line before Milly could respond and switched over to line 2.
         “Good morning Mr. Pique. This is Satin Silverstone. How can I help you this morning?
         Roland watched on his monitors as the morning began to take shape. Clearly Satin was more than just a little upset with not being able to reach Derrick. She was fidgety and pacing back and forth in her office. He watched as she made 5 attempts to contact him. Growing more frustrated after each failed attempt. I spoke volumes to Roland. She was more deeply emotionally involved with Derrick than either Satin or Roland had realized. Her actions were clear indications of a woman mentally and emotionally “IN LOVE” with a man. And though he knew that he could now have her body, it wasn’t enough. What Roland wanted, what he required, was her love and devotion. And there was no way that she could give him that if she already had it reserved for Derrick Billings. Having sex with her was meaningless. He was dangling $100 Million dollars over her head. For that amount any woman on the planet would gladly service his needs. No. What he needed was her sincere desire to want to serve him. He needed for her to love him so much, that his happiness was more important than her own. He needed for her to find her

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