Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)

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Book: Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion) by Adrian Milan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian Milan
joy and pleasure in the satisfaction that she brought him. He should be her only thought. Her only focus. Her only desire. And for that to happen, Derrick Billings will need to get out of the picture.
         Roland watched as Derrick came bursting out of the elevator. He expected to see him turn immediately into Satin’s office. Instead, Derrick blazed right passed her door and immediately clocked in. Roland checked the time.
         “Very close Mr. Billings. By the hairs of your chinny chin chin.” Roland chuckled to himself.
         Roland saw Satin go to her office door and attempt to say good morning to her beau, but Derrick was going out of his way to avoid her. That much was obvious.
         “What have we here? Trouble in paradise already?” Roland’s smile began to broaden. “This may be easier than I thought.”
         Roland had been watching Satin for the entire 10 years that she had worked for him. She has always been a pillar of confidence and stability. It was odd to see her so conflicted and confused about what to do next. She paced her office. Dialed out on her cell phone a few times but obviously didn’t get through. Finally she picked up her desk phone. Roland checked his controls to find out who she was calling. 
         “Ah, Derrick Billings, direct line. Makes sense.”
         Roland ease dropped on the call.
         “I’m sorry Milly, I must have misdialed. I was trying to reach Derrick.”
         “No Ma’am, you didn’t misdial. Mr. Billings has had all of his calls routed to my desk. He said that he is not to be disturbed.”
         “Not to be disturbed? What is going on with him Milly?”
         Roland realized that if he left this unchecked, that Satin’s feelings for Derrick were going to derail her from her path. Already she was obsessing over him to the point of not being able to focus on her other duties. He would have to get personally involved. Roland picked up his office phone and called Satin’s office. He watched her on the monitors with a smug look on his face as he purposely interrupted Satin’s phone call with Milly.
         “Thank you for calling Pique Enterprises, you have reached the office of Ms. Satin Silverstone, this is Lila, how may help you?”
         “Good morning to you, Lila, Roland Pique here. Is Ms. Silverstone available?”
         “Good morning, Sir, she is on line one, but I will have her on the line with you in less than 30 seconds.”
         “Thank you Lila. I appreciate that.” He smiled.
         Lila, placed Roland on hold and then buzzed Satin.
         “Ms. Silverstone, you have Mr. Pique on line 2.”
         “Thank you Lila. Milly, I’ll have to call back later. I’ll reach out to him at the end of the business day.”
         “Yes Ma’am, um, did you want to leave any kind of message for him?”
         “No, no message. I need to speak with him face to face. You have a nice day, Milly. And don’t let him stress you out.”
         Roland was feeling full of himself. He successfully refocused her attention off of Derrick and back onto the mission at hand. Now he needed to solidify the maneuver.
         “Good morning Mr. Pique. This is Satin Silverstone. How can I help you this morning?”
         “Good morning Ms. Silverstone. Have you had the opportunity to work out the details in that rough draft you were telling me you had last night? I don’t mean to micro-manage, but you know what we have at stake here. So it’s my job to make sure that everyone is on point for their individual tasks. We have an incredibly small window of opportunity to work with here. I don’t want to take chances with anything. So I need to know where we currently stand.”
         “Absolutely Mr. Pique. I have worked out all of the details. All that is needed now is for me to brief all of the parties involved so that we can make the proper preparations.”

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