The Love Laws

Free The Love Laws by Tamara Larson

Book: The Love Laws by Tamara Larson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Larson
he could speak softly into her ear when he felt a
sharp pain ignite in his shin. Someone had kicked him.
he looked across the table at Duncan. His friend was shaking his head
vigorously and making wild gestures with his hands that looked like he was
trying to warn Kevin away from a poisonous snake, dangerous plant or possibly a
vicious dog.
the fuck?” Kevin mouthed, leaning down to rub his injured leg. Under the table,
Hannibal growled louder. Man, he was unpopular tonight. Even the dog was giving
him shit.
grabbed one of the tequila shooters he’d brought over and downed it in one
the table, Duncan gave him a look of utter disgust.
Kevin defiantly grabbed another shooter and downed that one too, slamming the
glass back down on the table with ringing force.
he knew what was happening, Duncan was up and dragging him by his collar across
the pub towards the entrance. Not an easy task considering Kevin still
outweighed him by a good thirty pounds and topped him by four inches.
shook his friend’s punishing hands off him just as they burst through the door.
He nearly stumbled, righted himself with exaggerated dignity and then threw his
hands up. “What the hell? You insist I come out for a drink and then you throw
my ass out? Just because I came on a little strong with Jessica’s sister? You
can’t stand her anyway.”
stuck his finger in his friend’s face. “Doesn’t matter. You were all over her,
Kev. You know where I work. I can’t let this slide. Besides, she’s going
through a rough time right now. She doesn’t need you assaulting her on top of
everything else.”
her?” Kevin gasped. Was he kidding? He’d never hurt a woman. His friend should
know this. He thought about swatting Duncan’s finger out of his face, but knew
they would quickly be trading blows on the street like thugs if he made that
move. Duncan may be domesticated now, but his temper still made him a force to
be reckoned with when riled up.
as much as Kevin wanted to snap his friend`s censorious finger off at the
knuckle, he didn’t want to risk their relationship over something so stupid. So
he backed away a few steps and held his arms up in a placating gesture. “Are
you kidding me? That chick can handle herself. If anyone’s been assaulted in
this scenario it’s me. I’m outta here.” He made a somewhat awkward pivot,
nearly hit the door with his shoulder and started walking away without a glance
Duncan called, both affection and frustration evident in his tone. “Wait. You
dickhead. Where the hell are you going?”
home. To work. I don’t have time for this.” Kevin shouted back over his
stopped in his tracks. “What do you mean…Bullshit?” He went cold. Could Duncan
actually know how bad things were going with his latest project?
mean. Bullshit. You don’t have a home. And you haven’t worked, really worked,
in weeks.”
groaned and wished he’d brought one of those shooters with him. He could use
another shot of liquid courage just about now. He was going to need it if they
were actually going to have this discussion.
stopped and turned back to Duncan, as slow and threatening as a cobra unfurling
from a basket. “Nice. Just because I don’t have your ideal domestic situation
doesn’t mean I’m a hobo. For the last time, I live in a hotel because it’s
convenient and practical. If I get hungry, I call room service. Maids take care
of everything else, leaving me free to write and play. As for work, I have
writer’s block. Big fucking deal. It happens to everyone at one point or other.
But thanks for your support, man. What would I do without you?” He asked
shook his head in disbelief. “You’ve been living in a hotel for the past three
years, you moron. For the same cost you could own the equivalent to The

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