Revolving Doors

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Book: Revolving Doors by Perri Forrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Perri Forrest
beauty and the know-how and that’s a lethal combination. A man will immediately be drawn to your beauty, but the added bonus of good sex…quality sex…as I said, lethal .” He paused. “I have a question for you and please don’t be afraid to answer earnestly.”
    Anything that begins that way can’t be good.
    “Alright, I’m ready. Shoot.”
    “I was wondering if, with your permission, I could request time with you again on my next visit.”
    “Wow. Really?”
    “ Yes , really. You seem shocked.”
    “I am…but I’m also extremely flattered.”
    And it was in that very moment…with those very words, that I decided Paraiso Belo would see me again.
    “I would be honored, Victor. I guess it would come down to schedules. On your other visits, did you come during this same time?”
    “I did. However, I can move it up…I will move it up, if it means I secure you as my hostess.”
    He grew silent momentarily and then another bombshell followed.
    “What would you say if I exclusively contracted you?”
    “What does that mean exactly?”
    “That you would be exclusively… assigned to be with me,” he said, slightly tilting his head as if he was trying to read my expression .
    Stunned, I asked him, “Why would you want to do that?”
    “For the obvious reason…so that I wouldn’t have to share.”
    I hadn’t expected that to be a part of the deal. I got the part about him wanting to be paired with me on each of his visits. But when he specified, exclusivity, it dawned on me that he also wanted me to solely be with him – and no one else.
    That would make me something like imported pussy .
    Immediately, my thoughts went to Iyanna, and Manuel’s situation, and it made sense. She was his kept woman away from home! Why even come to the resort and pay all that money? Why not just put her up somewhere and play the role of Sugar Daddy?
    Oh well. To each his…or her own.
    Eager to escape the one-sided conversation happening in my head, out of curiosity, I posed a question of my own.
    “From this single encounter, you know that’s something you would want?”
    “I do. See, what I guess I should explain is that I’m not looking to have a lot of women. I have a wife at home. There is something about you that I like, and I figure if I am going to spend more time here, I would rather it be with someone I feel a connection to.”
    I didn’t know how to react to his news. I wasn’t sure if exclusivity was something I wanted to sign on for. That got me nowhere before. But this was something different since he wasn’t asking me to be his woman, more like an annual mistress which didn’t make much sense to me.
    I found myself trying to see the logic in what he was saying. Not looking to have a lot of women, but willing to have sex with a girl one time per year in addition to your wife? Why even cheat at all? Or better yet, if it’s about variety, then why wait once a year to indulge?
    “Gabriella?” he said, catching me in a deep mode of thinking. “What are your thoughts?”
    “Just caught off guard a bit is all,” I admitted.
    “I apologize. I hope that I haven’t offended you.”
    “No, Victor. Not at all. I’m not offended. It’s a tempting proposal, but as you can imagine being a businessman yourself, that is something you would need Valentina’s approval on. She sets the rules for Paraiso Belo.”
    “Of course. Do you think it would pose a problem?”
    “I don’t see why it would because in the end, it’s about business and she is very much the businesswoman.”
    “If it happens that it is an impossibility, would you be open to seeing me when I visit the States on business?”
    Whoa ! The conversation took an unexpected and very serious turn, and I needed a diversion. We was supposed to be about fun, not negotiations.
    I reached underneath the table to caress between his legs, massaging until I felt his manhood react.
    “I think that’s a response to my invitation to play,” I

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