Slow Grind (Men of Mornington Book 1)

Free Slow Grind (Men of Mornington Book 1) by Eva Spencer

Book: Slow Grind (Men of Mornington Book 1) by Eva Spencer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Spencer
refinance a few years ago, and she’s maxed the equity on her house. Frank probably isn’t much better off since he’s been teaching high school in America and he paid for Aubrey’s college. It’s fairly safe to say the Rosewoods are broke. Unless Aubrey can touch her trust. I think Max got his at twenty-five. Maybe petition to have Aubrey’s unlocked?”
    “I know she would, if it’s even an option.”
    “We all do. She’d kill herself to save Max. She’s always been a good kid like that.”
    “She’s not a kid anymore, man.” I shake my head, the image of her long, toned legs filtering through my mind again. I have no idea when she stopped being the little tomboy who ran around with Emma all the time and turned into a sexy, confident woman.
    “It’s Aubs. She couldn’t have changed that much.”
    “Just wait until you see her. I don’t lie. She’s not the same kid we watched grow up.”
    “Don’t even think about it,” Sam scolds.
    “Are you kidding me? I’m not going to start fucking with Max’s little sister. Why is everyone so paranoid?”
    “Because we know you,” he laughs. “If it has a vagina, chances are you’re thinking about screwing it.”
    “I’m not that bad,” I retort defensively. Okay, maybe I am.
    “You really are.” I pluck a pen from the cup on the desk and hurl it at him. “And a bad shot at that,” he says as the pen sails past him and clangs against the window behind the desk overlooking the city.
    “You’re a dick. I’m going to go figure out how to get together enough money to get this treatment for Max while you sit here and look at lace-covered tits. Call me later?”
    “Yeah. If you think of anything, let me know. I’m sure between all of us we can figure something out. Check if the pub in Mornington will let us do a benefit. We all grew up there, and if we’re going to get help from outside our group, they’ll be the ones to do it.”
    “Okay, I’ll call and get some information.”
    Before I leave, Sam slips me a piece of paper with the name of the treatment and tells me to do some research. That’s not really where I excel, though. I’m the one who can plan and execute; Sam and Cam are the ones who are good at getting the fine details, but I agree to do my best.
    As I’m pulling out of the parking lot, my phone rings and Max’s name displays on the front screen.
    “Speak of the devil. I was just with Sam. What’s going on? Aubrey talking about how sexy I am?” I laugh and wait for his response.
    “Actually, no. Aubrey isn’t talking about how sexy you are, but it’s cute of you to think she’s thinking about you since you’re obviously thinking about her,” Aubrey answers instead of Max, and it takes me a few moments to recover.
    “Shit, sorry, Aubs,” I mutter, cringing.
    “Yes. Yes, you are.”
    “I thought you were Max.”
    “Well, I am calling from his phone.”
    “Okay. I’m not getting out of this, am I?”
    “Nope. It’s going to follow you forever.” She laughs, and I smile in spite of how stupid I feel. “There’s a reason I’m calling. I need to know if you can pick me and Max up tomorrow afternoon and take us back to his apartment?”
    “I thought you were staying in Mornington?”
    “That was before my mum became a hovering buffoon. Can you or not? I can call Cam or Emma if you’re not available.”
    “No, it’s fine. I’ll be there. Lunchtime good?”
    “Perfect. Thanks, Drew.”
    The sound of my name on her lips does strange things to me. She’s always called me Andrew, so to hear what I prefer to go by, it’s a new and welcomed feeling. Maybe it shouldn’t be so welcomed. Gosh, maybe the guys were right to worry about me. I may not act on them, but the thoughts in my head are enough to send me straight to Hell.
    “I’ll see ya.”
    “Bye,” she says and disconnects the call.
    Placing my phone on the passenger seat, I spend the rest of my drive home thinking about how I’m going to get my best

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