Gabrielle Demonico

Free Gabrielle Demonico by Shifters Unleashed (Five Volume Box Set) (Retail)

Book: Gabrielle Demonico by Shifters Unleashed (Five Volume Box Set) (Retail) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shifters Unleashed (Five Volume Box Set) (Retail)
brothers looked and each other and grinned slyly.
    After a few moments, she couldn’t take the silence and said, ‘What?”
    Caleb replied, “ Haley, did you believe Paul last night when he told you of our feelings toward you and how we knew you to be our true mate?”
    Haley reluctantly nodded her head in the affirmative.
    He continued and said, “Isn’t the life here with our children everything you’ve always wanted? Our family is warm, loving and welcoming and Paul and I would care for you like as no others could or would.”
    They both walked towards her. Finally, Paul reached down and took her chin delicately between his thumb and forefinger and said, “ Haley. Our instincts tell us that your hesitation is a result of your past. Your mother spoke to me of your marriage and the heartbreak it caused you. It’s understandable to have wounds. But, it’s unforgiveable to allow the bastard to affect you long after the deed has been done. What happened was not your fault. The time to accept that and move on is at hand.”
    Caleb then said, “ My brother and I and all the wolves that make up the packs in the valley are men of their word. We are bound to it , just as we are to the soil and the life it gives. You have nothing to fear here and a life you’ve dreamed about to be gained. But, the choice is yours to make.”
    Their words sunk deep down and resonated in the center of her being. She knew that they were being genuine. And, the truth was that she was still very desperate for them both. They stood looki ng at her calmly, patiently awaiting the answer that would determine the future of all involved.
    She was quiet and still for a moment and then moved towards them. Fate had brought her to this place and as she looked up into their eyes she knew what her dec ision must be. She couldn’t ignore the truth that the universe was shouting to her - that she belonged here, tied to the pack, forever…
    Without speaking, Haley stepped up on to her toes and kissed them each tenderly on the lips. Her choice was clear to their primed instincts and they narrowed their eyes hungrily at the thought of claiming her curves.
    Haley wanted to ask them what to do, wh o should go first or some other question that would expose her inexperience. Luckily, the big canines wasted no time with formalities and before she knew it, she was swallowed in a sea of fingers and heat and flesh.
    Haley ’s mouth watered for Caleb. It had since the beginning. The time to embrace his fire was now and she groaned as he grabbed her bountiful flesh and pulled her close. It was her daydream realized, in the full vivid spectrum of life’s color. He towered over her, his eyes flashed from deep blue to aquamarine. He held for a moment and then descended upon her full lips with singular purpose of consuming them, and her.
    Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Paul. He seemed to be savoring his brother ’s moment with her and it was then that she came to know the depths of their purpose and principals. Yes, they would share her and do so without the petty emotions that so often interrupt shared lovers. She turned her focus back to Caleb who tasted her savagely, and eagerly. His wolf was starving - more so than perhaps even he realized. But, Haley could sense the restraint in him, borne out of concern for her delicate human body.
    Instinctively, she broke free from him and said breathlessly, “ I am not afraid. You have the trust of my mind and body - they are yours to do with as you will.”
    Caleb was slightly smaller than his older brother but more defined. The hard work showed in the rugged sinew of his tanned forearms which gripped her curves with surprising strength. She was immediately reminded of Paul ’s powerful touch from the night before. Though it was strong like Paul’s, Caleb’s had tenderness to it as well.
    In wordless acknowledgment of her permission, he scooped her up and began to head for the bedroom. Haley ’s pulse

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