A Pinch of Sea Salt and a Dash of Murder (Outer Banks Baker Mystery Series Book 1)

Free A Pinch of Sea Salt and a Dash of Murder (Outer Banks Baker Mystery Series Book 1) by Phoebe T. Eggli

Book: A Pinch of Sea Salt and a Dash of Murder (Outer Banks Baker Mystery Series Book 1) by Phoebe T. Eggli Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phoebe T. Eggli
was unclear but again, it was something to go on.
    Logan came back into the room as the trio were speculating if and how this information played into the other woman’s demise and the break-in at the Kill Devil Delicacies. Melissa vowed to call Jason the next morning about the information, but neither Luis nor Maria thought it was a good idea. Well, if not the detective, she decided she should at least let her newly hired lawyer know. The adults turned the conversation to more amiable subjects for the boy’s benefit. He never let on that he had overheard everything. It was enough to whet his curiosity and he fully intended to find out more.
    Later that evening, Melissa made the mistake of turning on the television after the group had enjoyed a wonderful, authentic Spanish meal compliments of Maria. There on her 32 inch Sony flat screen was video of Lloyd Stevenson holding a press conference in front of his home. He was railing against the police department for dragging their feet and not arresting someone for the brutal murder of his sweet wife. According to him, everyone knew who was guilty of the crime and there was no excuse for why that woman was not behind bars that very second. He went on to detail how the “guilty party” had even gone so far as to send in her employee to snoop in his own home as his family grieved. In the background, his adult children were clearly visible with his daughter sobbing and his son standing stoically holding her hand.
    Before they had a chance to watch the entire scene play out, Luis grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. Melissa was shocked into silence. Not the case for Logan. The boy was beyond angry at this point. “How dare that man attack my aunt?!” He ranted and raved for several minutes before collapsing on the sofa next to Melissa, near tears. Dumbfounded, she took his hands in her own. Without words, the two consoled each other. Luis and his wife stayed a couple more hours to care for their friend and her distraught nephew. Neither believed Melissa was guilty of doing any harm to Linda. Neither could understand Lloyd Stevenson’s public display of outrage, even for a supposed grief-stricken man. The situation was spiraling out of control fast. They just hoped somewhere along the line common sense would prevail before their friend ended up in jail for a crime she could not possibly have committed.


Chapter 14
    Melissa received a call from Britney late in the evening informing her that the young woman had been brought in for questioning by the police. This on top of everything else contributed to a fitful night’s sleep. Not rested at all, Melissa woke up even earlier than usual. She could hear Logan’s gentle snores coming from his room. What she really wanted to do was go for a long walk to clear her head, but with the high probability of being harassed by reporters, she settled for a large cup of coffee and some leftover marzipan to be enjoyed on her deck. It was still pitch black dark and a bit chilly so she wrapped up in her fuzzy robe.
    She replayed all the events of the last couple days over and over again in her mind, trying to make sense of everything. What she knew was:
Linda was found dead in her bakery.
Someone had broken into her bakery through the back door. Was it Linda or someone else?
The cash from the safe was missing as well as two particular recipe cards - Rosemary Sea Salt bread and Orange-Cranberry bread.
Linda had intended to enter the Outer Banks Regional Bake-Off artisan bread contest.
It seemed Linda’s primary goal had been simply to defeat Melissa in the contest out of leftover spite from high school.
Linda had a picture on her home office desk from high school with Melissa’s face crossed through. Disturbing.
Lloyd Stevenson was telling anyone and everyone that Melissa was guilty, although she was unaware of any evidence against her.
It was rumored that Lloyd and Linda were having marital issues.
    Nothing added up. There

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