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Book: Undertow by Callie Kingston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Kingston
could hardly bear the burden of keeping this knowledge hidden. There was only one other time she had a secret so deep that she could share it with no one. Marissa shuddered, and shoved the evil memory away. That secret was horrid.
    Marissa shivered in the cavernous lecture hall and fidgeted with her pen, trying to focus on the lesson. Her grades last quarter didn’t impress her mother. “I’m not shelling out another dime unless you show that you’re doing your part,” she’d warned.
    The professor paced across the stage, mouth opening and closing, hands moving fluidly. His eyes held her focus. Slate blue, they reminded her of the sea.
    Marissa forced herself to listen to his words, glad Erin took Marine Bio last quarter. Without her notes, she’d be sunk.
     “Over a period of less than fifteen years,ending in about 2003, the top layer of the oceans heated up so much it was equal to two billion of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima. Then, for some reason, the rate of warming slowed dramatically.” He jabbed the podium with his finger.
    Bombs? She tried to decipher his words. Something horrible was happening, she understood that much. Her mind raced at the implications: what if they couldn’t survive?
    Fists pounded on the hollow door. Marissa ignored the knocking and continued pacing from her dresser to her desk as she had done for the past two and a half hours. She was so close to solving the puzzle.
    “Come on, Marissa, open the door!” Erin screamed, echoing through a canyon miles away. Not like the other voices, His voice, whispering so close she could almost feel his breath on her ear. He called to her from the sea, and His voice was the only one she wanted to hear.
     “Marissa, let me in! Now! Or I’m going to call somebody. What the hell are you doing in there?” Erin’s shrill voice wafted through the door.
    Damn her, I almost had it, she thought . Seething with frustration, she lunged at the door, swung it open and bared her teeth. Thrusting her face within inches of Erin’s, she growled, “Leave me alone!” She battled her rage into submission and retreated to her room, slamming the door.
    Overcome with exhaustion, she collapsed on her bed and ground her fists against her forehead. Damn Erin. Then a new thought appeared: I can find Him. He waits for me, just as I wait for Him.
    Triumphant, she rolled across the bed, wrapping the cobalt quilt tightly around her. Her laughter bubbled forth as she imagined Him beside her, the two of them gliding through the water together.
    The thought of his hands stroking her skin filled her with longing and desperation . She couldn’t bear to remain in this world alone. Convulsing with sobs, she wailed, “Why did you leave me here? Why?”
    A gentle rapping at the door interrupted her cries. She lay very still and hoped the intruder would go away.
    “Marissa?” Jim’s soothing voice was muffled.
    Relief washed over her. Jim was smart, he could help her figure this whole thing out.
    “Baby, are you okay in there?”
    Jim and Erin exchanged words outside her room. She crawled out of bed, tiptoed to the door, and pressed her ear against it.
    “She’s been in there all weekend again,” Erin’s squeaky voice said. “Banging stuff, ripping up papers. Screeching like a banshee, then laughing like a hyena. It’s creepy. She’s only come out to use the bathroom a couple of times. She’s all glassy-eyed. Won’t look at me or speak at all.”
    Jim’s voice answered her. “I’ll get her out; don’t stress. You go on and take a break now. Thanks for calling me.”
    Marissa crept away from the door and wondered what Erin was talking about. Her roommate made her sound like some crazy person. Obviously, she was in on their plot. But Jim couldn’t be in on it, could he?No, she was sure of that. He would never believe her insane, no matter who tried to convince him.
    Tapping on the door was followed by Jim’s voice: “Sugar, I know you’re in

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