Mystery of the 19th Hole (Taylor Kelsey, Mystery 1)

Free Mystery of the 19th Hole (Taylor Kelsey, Mystery 1) by AJ Diaz

Book: Mystery of the 19th Hole (Taylor Kelsey, Mystery 1) by AJ Diaz Read Free Book Online
Authors: AJ Diaz
laughed.  “But we can definitely use it for forensics, and I can build technology when we need it.”
                  “That’s spectacular.  It’s going to work out great,” said Taylor.  Then she leaned in close to him and kissed him on the cheek.  Withdrawing she said, “Thank you.”
                  “Oh—y—y—yeah—I—it’s no pro—problem.”
                  “I think we have a good chance at solving these cases.  Even more so now.”  She put her hands on her hips and looked at the television as she said, “Tomorrow, we go back to the circus.”

Chapter 13
                  After school on Monday, Taylor, Susan, and now Chad went to the circus to snoop, ask questions, and hopefully find some kind of evidence that could help them solve the elephant robbery, which would help them solve all the other high-profile robberies.  That is, according to Taylor’s logic.
                  They started by surveying the area where the truck had been that had harbored the stolen elephant.  They examined the tent and the asphalt but found nothing other than dirt, skid marks, and dead bugs. 
                  When they had finished there, Taylor talked to Jason about the other day.  He had told his parents at dinner that he’d saved some girls, but that was all.  Just as she’d guessed.  She also asked him if he recognized the kidnappers.  He said they were wearing masks when he’d fought them.
                  Susan, meanwhile, interviewed clowns and mimes.  Whether they actually talked and, if they did, what they talked about, no one, Taylor and Chad suspected, would ever know.
                  During this, Chad went from vendor to vendor and asked if they’d seen the robbers, the truck, or the elephant.  Some had seen the elephant.  None had seen the robbers.  Of course.
                  Finally, they got candy apples and rendezvoused at a table, discussing their progress in between bites.  The cool day’s air was as refreshing as the warm sun’s rays.
                  “I think I’m going to become a mime when I grow up,” surmised Susan.  “But what kind of degree do you have to have?”
                  Taylor and Chad laughed but ignored her question. 
    “I got nothing,” said Chad.
                  “Me neither.  On a good note, Jason hasn’t told anyone about what happened on Saturday.”
                  “What happened on Saturday?” asked Chad.
                  Taylor relayed the whole story about being captured and nearly killed.  She also told him that she’d counted how many things the man on the phone had taken down.  Eighteen.  Susan pressed the fact that they’d passed a golf course.  Taylor said that was a non-issue and that they’d passed many things.  Still, Susan insisted on the importance of the golf course.
                  Chad sided with Taylor.
                  Then, after some silence and thinking, Susan accidentally dropped her candy apple onto her lap, which was bad since she was wearing her school uniform.  She only had five of them, and her mom would kill her if she ruined one.  “Can you get me some napkins?” she asked Chad.
                  “Oh, sure.”
                  When Chad walked away, Susan scooted next to Taylor.  “Chad likes you.”
                  “I know.”
                  “What about you?  Do you like him?” asked Susan.
                  “No.”  Taylor smiled.  “No, he’s too much of a nerd.”
                  “And here I thought you liked nerds.”
                  “No, Susan, you like nerds.  Which is weird considering your personality?”  Taylor poked Susan in the side.  “You like him, don’t you?  Admit it.  You like

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