His Captivating Confidante (Secret Sentinels)

Free His Captivating Confidante (Secret Sentinels) by Lisa Weaver

Book: His Captivating Confidante (Secret Sentinels) by Lisa Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Weaver
depths brimming with barely restrained passion.
    And then, with just two whispered words, he shredded the sensual web he’d woven. “Sorry, Kitten.”
    Shocked that he would be expressing regret over something they’d both clearly enjoyed, she was about to ask him what he was apologizing for when she heard footsteps approaching.
    Seeing Frank’s face tense, she instantly realized her grave misjudgment. The expression he wore was one she knew all too well. He was in watchful waiting mode, on high alert, and ready to take action if need be. It hit her then that he’d never intended to kiss her.
    The realization that Frank had known they were being followed—something she would have caught on to if she hadn’t been so wrapped up in him—annihilated her hope that he’d finally decided to expand the boundaries of their friendship.
    The kiss had been about duty, not about desire. He’d deliberately staged a romantic scenario in order to force the man trailing behind them to continue walking past.
    “Stay sharp,” Frank whispered. “We’ve got company.”
    Another wave of regret sliced through her as his words confirmed what she’d deduced. The moment they’d just shared hadn’t been a “moment” at all. It had only been a ruse.

Chapter Seven
    Eyeing the stranger walking along the cove, Stephanie kicked herself for her stupidity. How could she have missed the obvious?
    To add to her mortification, after telling Frank she wouldn’t play the part of his lover to sell their relationship to Damon, she’d flung herself at him like he was a prime cut of tenderloin and she hadn’t eaten in days.
    Nice going, Knight, she mentally chastised herself.
    She couldn’t even make light of her misjudgment and pretend she’d simply been value-adding to Frank’s impromptu charade, because the greedy moans of encouragement she’d uttered surely had given him every indication that, for her, the kiss had nothing to do with business and everything to do with pleasure.
    Even worse, her response was a dead giveaway that her feelings for him went far beyond friendship.
    Her only consolation was that he appeared just as stunned by their sensually charged exchange as she was.
    Frank reached out a hand to gently trace the curve of her face as they watched the man who’d been following them make his way along the beach several feet ahead of them.
    “I’m sorry about that,” he apologized again. “I suspected we were being tailed. I needed to be sure.”
    She’d recovered enough from the startling impact of the feel of his lips on hers to find her voice. “It’s not your fault. I thought . . .” she hesitated, as chagrined as she’d been when she’d given in to her crazy teenage hormones and made a play for him back in high school. Fortunately, the stupid childhood move hadn’t been the death knell of their friendship. She hoped he’d be as understanding about tonight’s error in judgment. “Well, it doesn’t matter what I thought, really. I don’t know why I was so long on the uptake. I should have realized what was happening. What tipped you off?”
    “I saw him sitting alone at the restaurant, which isn’t odd in itself, except he left at the exact same time we did. Later, I saw his reflection in a window of one of the shops along the boardwalk. That’s when it became clear it wasn’t a coincidence, and that he was following us.”
    “We should go after him,” she asserted.
    He shook his head. “There’s nothing to gain by confronting him. If he was tailing us, he won’t admit it. Besides, it’s possible he’s really just out for a walk. Maybe I’m overreacting again. In any case, he’s rounded the cove now. I doubt he’ll be back to bother us.”
    “And again, I don’t think you’re overreacting at all. I think you must have a very good reason for being on guard. Care to share it with me?”
    “There’s nothing to share,” he said, shrugging.
    Despite his refutation, she knew he was holding

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