A Larger Universe
so most of the worshipers didn't notice
him.  Forset's entry into the room cut off the scrutiny of those who had seen
him and brought the room to order.  Forset said nothing as he entered, stepping
into the room as he had for each service in the farmers' church, with his hood
over his head, and his hands clasped in front.  The service that followed was
identical with those Tommy had participated in previously.  Tommy joined the
chanting line when his turn came, his farmer clothing contrasting with the
colorful clothes of those near him.  The lines of people flickered in the
corners of his eyes as the varied hues passed by, step by slowly moving step.
    The last "We must have faith" in the closing chant
ended, and the chattering started again among the congregation.  Every person
had passed him in the labyrinth, some many times.  Now, rather than leave, they
all turned toward him.  He heard Forset calling him from the entrance. 
"Tommy, go to the center of the labyrinth."
    "This is Tommy.  He's the one taken from Earth.  The
lords commanded me to bring him to you, so he might begin the task they've set
for him.  I was also told one of you will be overseeing and instructing him in
his work, but not who that might be."
    A man dressed in pale shades of red and blue, but, to Tommy,
otherwise indistinguishable from the other men, stepped forward from the
    "I'll be supervising his work, priest.  On work days,
not on rest days."
    Forset didn't seem embarrassed.  "Since the lords
didn't tell me whom to bring him to, this seemed the most efficient way to find
you.  I've always been led to believe efficiency is important to artisans.  The
time we take today will be minimal.  What is your name?"
    "Valin."  He turned to Tommy.  "Meet me here
tomorrow after the midday meal.  I'll take you to your workplace and explain
what you must do."
    On the way to the priest's cabin, Tommy asked, "Do I
continue to live in my present barracks and work mornings with the
    "Until someone tells you otherwise.  My part in this is
finished.  Can you find your way back to the artisans' labyrinth?"
    "Yes, of course.  The pattern on your level is repeated
on that deck."
    #   #   #
    After the fights, the first Jack had given up the direct approach
and began harassing Tommy with petty errands and changes to Tommy's routine.  
Most of the errands involved interfering with Tommy's meals.  Jack had
apparently seen how much Tommy ate--he often went back for seconds and
thirds--and the errands often made Tommy miss meals altogether.  Jack also
decided that Tommy didn't need help unloading the feed wagon and assigned Mark
to other duties. 
    After a while, Tommy secretly agreed with that decision. 
Mark just slowed him down.  The routine became almost like walking the
labyrinth.  His mind drifted.  Start at one end of the wagon.  Bend at the
knees.  Grab a bag.  Lift the bag to his chest.  Stand up.  Turn.  Walk to the
end of the wagon.  Throw the bag into the wheelbarrow.  Turn.  Walk back to the
load.  Do it all again.  When he had filled the wheelbarrow, walk it into the
barn, grab a bag, lift, throw it on the pile, do it again until he had emptied
the wheelbarrow.  Return to the wagon.  Begin again.  Until he finished, his
body worked while his mind thought about something else. 
    The morning after meeting Valin, Tommy's thoughts circled
his new job.  What could it be?   Then, he thought about his parents and
home, and he felt a twinge of guilt.  Why should I care about anything that
won't get me home?   Bend, grab, lift, turn.  Maybe it will help get me
home, somehow.    That led to thinking of the artisans and his new job. 
Bend, grab, lift, turn.  
    A shrill shriek followed by a loud thump and crack jerked
him from his trance.  He turned to see the far end of the stable slump to the
ground.  A moment later, a giant ostrich-like bird wiggled from a hole under

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