Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 3

Free Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 3 by L.A. Jones

Book: Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 3 by L.A. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.A. Jones
Tags: Witches, supernatural, teen, salem, witch, aradia
towards them, but Aradia was ready. Using both her
legs, she jumped up and kicked Roy in his chest causing him to fall
down once again. However, it did not stop him for long. He leapt at
Aradia once again, and they tumbled on to the ground. Aradia then
grabbed a stick, and forced it into Roy's mouth trying to keep him
from biting her. She used both her hands to hold the stick in
place, so far back into his mouth that in spite of his snapping at
her non-stop, his teeth could not chomp it to pieces.
    Melina then saw something
else moving so quick that it looked like a light blue colored
whirlwind. It went straight for Roy and shoved him off Aradia.
Melina's mouth dropped open upon seeing it was Dax. Only he looked
very different as he grasped Aradia's hand, and hoisted her up.
After one quick glance at his face, Melina was shocked to see he
had fangs protruding from his mouth.
    He is a vampire! Melina
    Although Aradia had gotten a
glimpse of Melina's shocked face and understood her shock and fear,
she could not stop to explain.
    "Did you bring it?" Aradia
asked turning back to Dax.
    He nodded, and pointed to a
rifle that lay near Melina.
    "It has the animal
tranquilizers in it, but I don't know if that will knock him out
for long." Dax then turned to a growling Roy and readied himself to
    Aradia's face grew
thoughtful, snapped her fingers, reached into her pocket, and
pulled out a small plastic bottle.
    Dax stared at her,
    "Here's the plan," she
explained. "You hold Roy off, I will get the gun, tranquilize him,
and then we can force him to drink this potion."
    "What good will that do?"
Dax demanded as he and Roy started circling each other.
    "Just trust me!" Aradia
shouted back as she went towards the gun.
    Roy noticed her moving and
instead of racing towards Dax, he leapt at Aradia who in the nick
of the time managed to flip onto her back, and kick him over!
Aradia had barely any time to face him before Roy attacked her
again. Dax rushed forward to help Aradia, but with one swift blow
from his paw, Roy knocked him back. Dax struggled to get back on
his feet as Roy began to dive towards Aradia's throat ready to tear
it out.
    Suddenly, there was a loud
shot and Roy clutched his shoulder where a feathered needle was now
poking out. Another shot rang out and Roy fell completely over, his
erratic breathing beginning to slow down to a leisurely pace.
Aradia and Dax looked towards the shot came from and there standing
holding the rifle was a dirty, sweaty, Melina.
    Looking blankly at the two
of them, she slowly lowered the gun, sank to the ground, and
breathed heavily while muttering in a shocked tone, "I shot Roy! I
shot Roy!"
    Gathering her wits, Aradia
popped the top off the potion, and ran towards Roy. Quickly, she
put Roy's head on her lap.
    "Dax, help me get his mouth
open," Aradia instructed
    Dax nodded, quickly took
hold of Roy's jaw, and pried it open. He then shuddered, and drew
back but was careful not to remove his hands.
    "My God!" He said in a
disgusted voice. "Do these werewolves ever brush their bloody
    Aradia tried to restrain a
chuckle as she poured the potion into Roy's mouth, and tilted his
head so he would swallow it. A few tense seconds passed before
Roy's whole being started to shake. His hairy paws then turned back
into his hands, and his body began to shrink. Soon Roy was back to
his human form sleeping soundly while Dax stared down at him in
    "What did you do to him?"
Dax asked Aradia.
    "It's a potion made out of
wolfsbane," Aradia explained, "It's an herb that can be used as a
common cure for Werewolves."
    "So he is cured?" Dax asked,
completely astounded.
    Aradia shook her head. "No.
Newly turned werewolves can be cured, but those who are born
werewolves...well those conditions are unchangeable. However, what
this potion can do is temporarily revert the werewolf back to his
or her human form."
    "How do you know this?" Dax
    Aradia smiled and said, "I
am the

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