Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Book: Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Kortny Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kortny Alexander
something you need to get used to.”

    * * * *

    May loved pushing their buttons. It made things more interesting. Sleeping with them? She hadn’t thought things would come to that. She was highly sated at the moment, and sleepy, but figured one of them would have taken her back to her room where her suitcases were. Clearly she had figured wrong.
    Having sex with either Remy or Kane was fantastic, but she wondered what they would say to taking her at the same time? She thought it was great that they took her separately or one inside of her and the other in her mouth, but she wanted the next step, the deeper connection.
    Her sister Summer had told her how wonderful it could be, and May wanted that more than anything. She wanted to be filled by the two men she was in love with.
    In love? She could never admit that to either of them. She couldn’t be certain they felt that way about her, and she would be damned if she would say it first. She was carrying their baby and in love with them. How screwed up could she get?
    The room was quiet. Now was just as good a time as any to speak up.
    “The next time we have sex, I want both of you inside me at the same time.”
    What the hell? Is Kane choking? She swore Remy had stopped breathing.
    May looked to her left and right. “Am I talking to myself?” She wanted to laugh, finally satisfied she had shocked them.
    The room went silent again.
    “May, I don’t think you realize what you’re asking,” Kane said as he pulled back from her slightly.
    She could swear Remy still wasn’t breathing.
    “I didn’t ask a question. I’m telling you what I want.” She rolled onto her back and both men propped up on their sides.
    “We may actually hurt you.” A worried look flashed across Remy’s face. When she turned to Kane, his expression matched his brother’s.
    She leaned over and kissed each of her men. “You will take care of me. I trust you both.”
    They were both still silent with the same nervous looks.
    “Okay, I will make this easy. At some point, I want you both at the same time or the sex disappears completely.”
    Remy was the first to shout. “What? Hell no!”
    “Fuck that!”
    She laughed. Leave it to Kane and Remy to be poetic.
    “Well, that’s settled. I’m going to take a nap.” May turned over, satisfied with herself. She needed a shower, but she wanted to smell them on her skin as she fell asleep.
    “So I guess little Ms. Princess is running the show.”
    “Whatever.” Remy sounded like a sullen child. She wanted to laugh.
    “Take a nap or get out, boys. The princess and the baby need a nap.” She knew it was a low blow, but she was tired. The fatigue was getting to her.
    Apparently, the simple threat worked. As May closed her eyes, she knew she had to savor the fun and carefree time she was having with Remy and Kane. She wouldn’t be able to relax for long. Earl could be anywhere, and she was going to make sure she was prepared for him.

Chapter 10

    “After months of unanswered calls, we finally get May under our roof. That was shocking enough, but to get such a huge bombshell dropped on us is…I don’t know what to say. I swear life knows how to throw a curve ball. I still can’t believe she’s pregnant.” Kane shook his head as he stood staring out the window in the living room. They’d left May in the bedroom. Her naps lasted longer than he expected. “I’m not upset about the news, just surprised.” No matter how many times he imagined seeing her again, making love to her, Kane couldn’t deny the fact he was still confused about the entire situation.
    She was carrying their child, and yet she’d asked nothing of them. How was he supposed to function in Whispering Mountain after learning that the woman he wanted more than his next breath was pregnant with his child and living an hour away in Denver nonetheless.
    “Look, she admitted that when she found out about the baby, the situation with Timmons kind of

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