Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution

Free Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution by Ruth Scurr

Book: Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution by Ruth Scurr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Scurr
Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre, born in Arras, May 6
End of the Seven Years War 1764 Death of Robespierre’s mother, July 14
Robespierre goes to boarding school in Paris at the Collège Louis-le-Grand
Disappearance of Robespierre’s father
Death of Louis XV and accession of his grandson as Louis XVI
Coronation of Louis XVI in the cathedral at Reims, June 11
France supports the American war of independence
Robespierre returns to Arras to practice law
The Lamoignon Edicts fail, May
Louis XVI agrees to the convocation of the Estates General, August
Robespierre campaigns for election and is chosen as a representative of the third estate, April
The Estates General meet in Versailles, May
The third estate claims the right to represent the nation and renames itself the National Assembly, June 17
Tennis Court Oath, June 20
Storming of the Bastille, July 14
Abolition of feudal rights and privileges, August 4
Louis XVI and the National Assembly move from Versailles to Paris, October
Robespierre rents rooms in the rue Saintonge
The Jacobin Club established in Paris
Proliferation of a network of political clubs throughout France affiliated to the Parisian Jacobin Club
Threat of war over Nootka Sound
Civil Constitution of the Clergy, July
Festival of Federation on the first anniversary of the Bastille’s fall, July 14
Death of Mirabeau, April 2
Pope Pius VI condemns the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, April 13
Royal family’s flight to Varennes, June 20
Massacre on the Champ de Mars, July 17
Robespierre moves to new lodgings in the rue Saint-Honoré
The Jacobin Club splits and moderate members leave to establish the Feuillants Club
Louis XVI accepts the new constitution, September
National Assembly closes and Robespierre revisits Arras
Pétion becomes mayor of Paris, November 14
Robespierre returns to Paris and opposes war-mongering at the Jacobin Club, November 28
Fall of Louis XVI’s Feuillant ministry and appointment of friends and associates of pro-war leader Brissot
Death of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II, March 1
Festival in honor of the Châteauvieux soldiers, April 15
France declares war on Francis II (Leopold II’s son and successor as Holy Roman Emperor), April 20
The guillotine is used for the first time, April 25
Prussia joins Austria in the war against France, June 13
The Duke of Brunswick issues a manifesto threatening Paris if Louis XVI is harmed, July 25
Paris’s 48 Sections declared in permanent session, July 27
Fall of the monarchy, August 10
Robespierre elected to municipal Commune governing Paris, August 12
General Lafayette flees France
Longwy falls to Prussia, August 20
Establishment of the first Revolutionary Tribunal
Verdun falls to Prussia, September 2
Prison massacres, September 2–6
Robespierre elected to new National Convention, September 5
French victory over Prussia at Battle of Valmy, September 20
National Convention meets in Paris, September 21
Declaration of the Republic, September 22
French victory at Battle of Jemappes, November 6
Trial of Louis XVI, beginning with his indictment, December 11
Dissolution of the first Revolutionary Tribunal
Execution of Louis XVI, January 21
France declares war on England and the Dutch Republic, February
Enragés food riots
France declares war on Spain, March 7
Revolt in the Vendée
Failed insurrection in Paris, March 9–10
Establishment of the second and infamous Revolutionary Tribunal, March 10
Defection of General Dumouriez after Battle of Neerwinden, March 18
Establishment of the Committee of Public Safety, April 6
Revolt in Lyon, May
Insurrection in Paris, May 31
Expulsion of Girondin deputies from the National Convention, June 2
Jacobin Republican constitution accepted by referendum and adopted, June 24
Danton voted off Committee of Public Safety, July 10
Marat assassinated, July 13
Robespierre voted into the Committee of Public Safety, July 27
Siege of Lyon begins,

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