The Chronicles of Aallandranon - Episode One - Ant-Lion
were to come home, it could be decades later.
There might not even be an Earth to come back
to. ” Murphy said.
    “ It ’ s on par to giving up
everything for your religion. ” Jonathan nodded.
    “ You ’ re a fairly influential man to society at this
point. ” Murphy laced his fingers together, resting his elbows on
the edge of his desk. “ Recently, there was
an attempt made on your life, and it hasn ’ t been the first
time. ”
    “ No,
the attempt last February failed, just like the other seven
attempts. I assumed early on that I ’ d have to worry about my
own personal safety, so I took special precautions to keep anything
unfortunate from happening. It is impossible to assassinate me by
any conventional method at this time. ”
    “ It
sounds like a challenge. ” Murphy said, inspiring a chuckle from
Jonathan. “ You ’ re a man of many skills. It was wonderful to have
you on the show. I wish you and the crew the best of
luck. ” Murphy stood up and as did Jonathan. “ Jonathan
Tabith, ladies and gentlemen! ” Murphy shook
Jonathan ’ s hand. Jonathan waved at the crowd and made his way off
stage. The audience roared once again as the schematics of the
Enigma continued flashing on a twelve image loop
    End of Episode One
to begin? This is it folks, my science-fiction/fantasy magnum opus
series. Strap in and get ready because Jonathan
Tabith ’ s story has only just begun. There is so much more of the
journey ahead, so thank you for starting it here with me
    – Benjamin Allen
    About the Author
    Benjamin Allen has been writing novels since he
was eight years old. He prefers writing fantasy and science fiction
with an element of horror. Benjamin lives with his wife in Fort
Worth, Texas and is a master restoration artist for brass
instruments at Houghton Horns by day. He spends his mornings,
evenings, and days off writing, researching, and learning more
about the craft.
    Other Titles by this
    The Insomniac, 2013
    Hidden Worlds: Selected Short Stories,
    To Kill A Monster, 2016


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