Under a Thunder Moon

Free Under a Thunder Moon by Jack Batcher

Book: Under a Thunder Moon by Jack Batcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Batcher
want me to come to the Boat House? I am sure it’s to torture the shit out of me with one of his fucked up mind games. Well I dug my own grave with this one. I suppose its time to face the music.”
                  With his head hung low Paul dragged his feet heading back out to his truck. Climbing in behind the wheel, he cranked the engine, and Burn in Hell by Twisted Sister blared from the speakers. Paul rolled out of the driveway and drove to the Boat House.
                  Alyssa shook with terror as the cabin door creaked open. The sudden burst of light from behind the silhouetted figure in the doorway forced her to squint to see who it was, but she couldn’t see. It must be Jim she thought. She hoped he had come to his senses and was going to let her go. The shadowy figure then closed the door.  They were both swallowed by the darkness.
                  Alyssa’s whole body clenched as she felt a firm hand move from her ankle, past her knee, then her thigh, and finally to the soft spot between her legs. He let out a small groan, as he began to massage her there for a little while. Alyssa wanted to scream, but knew she couldn’t.
                  Alyssa didn’t know if it was Jim touching her. If it was Jim, it was creepy, but he has touched her like this before, but she didn’t know. The firm hand moved up towards her waist, and Alyssa was able to breathe for a moment until…               He started lifting up her shirt. The firm hand with rough skin, glided up her stomach, which was tied in knots inside of her. He began caressing her left breast. Then he stopped. Alyssa wept under the strain and her body went limp.
                  Alyssa tried to scream through the duct tape over her mouth when she felt something like cold steel lay flat on her stomach. She then felt the point push against her belly. She knew it was a knife. Then the light in the cabin was turned on. Alyssa saw that it was Mike standing over her… with a knife.
                  Alyssa trembled under the blade as Mike dragged the knife slowly, without cutting across her skin towards her chest. He slipped the knife under her bra between her tits. Mike quickly jerked the knife cutting the bra, and exposing Alyssa. Tears streamed down her cheeks.
                  “Why all the tears Alyssa?” Mike said, “We’re just having a little fun.”
                  Mike leaned down close to Alyssa’s ear. She could feel his hot breathe on her neck; it reeked of rum and cigarettes. Mike’s hand reached down and grabbed her left breast again.
                  “You know Alyssa,” Mike said in a raspy whisper. “I always thought you had great tits. I always wanted to see them, feel them, and taste them.”
                  Mike leaned down and started licking Alyssa’s nipple, sucking it a little, and kissing it some more. Alyssa shook from this violation. She was terrified as to where Mike was going to take this next.
                  Alyssa felt a sharp pinch on her nipple. The pain increased as Mike bit down harder and harder. Alyssa squirmed and twisted, while screaming into the duct tape, struggling to get him off of her, but she was tied to the table, and he was holding her down. Alyssa thought she would pass out from the white hot pain. Then she felt a tear from her breast. Mike lifted his head and stepped back, grinning through a mouthful of blood. He then spit out her nipple onto the cabin floor.
                  Alyssa screamed and screamed, but couldn’t be heard. Mike’s sinister laugh terrified the hell out of her. He turned quickly, and stomped over to the other side of the cabin. Alyssa attempted to calm herself until… She saw

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