
Free Superpowers by Alex Cliff

Book: Superpowers by Alex Cliff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Cliff
    Books by Alex Cliff


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    Published 2007
    Text copyright © Alex Cliff, 2007
Illustrations copyright © Leo Hartas, 2007
All rights reserved
    The moral right of the author and illustrator has been asserted
    ISBN: 978–0–141–90238–8
    To Steve Cole, for being a genius writer (ha!),
inspiration, source of silly jokes and best friend.
These books couldn’t have been
written without you.
PS You’re not always right, though,
I still think geese
scary and pigs

snort threateningly!
    Just imagine…
    One A Great Day Out
    Two Bullseye!
    Three In Trouble…
    Four In the Maze
    Five Trapped!
    Seven Chased by a Bird
    Eight Into Battle!
    Nine Back to the Castle
    a full moon shining down on a ruined castle. In the nearby village the church bells strike midnight. A hawk flies through the darkness into the castle. There is a loud crash of thunder. As the echo of the thunder fades, the evil goddess Juno appears in the doorway of the castle’s only remaining tower. She is twice as tall as a normal woman. Acloak of feathers swirls from her shoulders and her black eyes flash in anger.
    â€˜Worms!’ she hisses, snapping her fingers. ‘Maggots!’
    With a creaking, grinding noise some of the stones on the inside of the tower wall opposite her begin to crumble away.
    A man looks out of the hole in the wall. His face is lined with deep wrinkles. It is the superhero Hercules. ‘I imagine you must be talking about the boys, Finlay and Max?’ he asks. There is a note of amusement in his deep voice as he looks at the enraged goddess.
    â€˜Pathetic humans!’ Juno spits out.
    â€˜Pathetic?’ Hercules raises his eyebrows. ‘I hardly see how you can callthose two boys that, Juno. You have set them four tasks and they have completed each one, winning back four of my superpowers for me.’
    â€˜I still hold your three remaining superpowers,’ Juno reminds him. ‘You will not get

    â€˜I believe I will, Juno.’ Hercules meets the goddess’s gaze squarely. ‘The deal you made with them still stands. There are only three remaining tasks of the seven you set them and every time that they succeed in completing another task, they win back another of my superpowers. I believe that soon all my powers will be returned to me and I shall break free from this prison.’ He thumps the wall of the tower.
    â€˜Never!’ Juno shrieks in rage. ‘In the morning, the boys must slay the Man-Eating Birds of Stymphalia. Are you really trying to tell me that they will be able to do that?’
    â€˜Yes,’ Hercules declares. ‘I am!’
    The goddess and the superhero stare at each other.
    When Juno speaks her voice is low and dangerous. ‘They will fail.’ Before Hercules can speak she clicks her fingers.

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