Grave Attraction

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Book: Grave Attraction by Lori Sjoberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Sjoberg
was packed with people from every walk of life, all of them eager to find a good bargain.
    He appreciated the fact that Marlena hadn’t pushed him for details about his life as a cop. After everything that happened, he preferred not to talk about it, especially with someone he’d just met. Then again, at times he got the crazy feeling like he’d known the woman forever. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t explain the connection, but his four years as a reaper had shown him a lot of weird shit that defied all reason.
    â€œFreddie’s booth is at the front of row P,” Marlena said as they passed a booth selling action figures and used DVDs. Across the aisle, a young woman haggled with a vendor over a T-shirt that read “Proud To Be A Redneck.”
    â€œSo how do you want to play this?” Adam asked after he veered around a mother pushing a stroller.
    â€œStay near the front of the booth, and try not to say anything to him directly. He spooks easy, and having a reaper inside his shop will make him twitchy.”
    They turned the corner, passing a place hawking cheap sunglasses and fake gold grills for your teeth. The smell of hot grease from the nearby concession stand mixed with the incense burning a couple booths over, soaking the air with a pungent aroma that came close to making Adam gag.
    â€œDoes the food here come with complimentary indigestion?” he asked.
    Marlena laughed. “The funnel cakes are actually pretty good. I’ll buy you one on the way out.”
    The thought of eating anything from this place made his stomach churn. “No, thanks.”
    â€œSuit yourself.” She wove a path down the aisle until they reached a shop selling exotic birds and reptiles.
    The store stretched across the length of four booths, with an impressive variety of animals. A large cage at the front held two beautiful blue-and-yellow macaws, while rows of glass tanks along the back wall housed snakes, lizards, turtles, and frogs. An attached garage behind one of the booths was stocked with shelves of pet supplies. To the left, a tall, lanky black man was busy giving care instructions to a guy who’d just purchased a bearded dragon. The customer was huge and heavily tattooed, with so many piercings he looked like he’d fallen down a flight of stairs while carrying a tackle box.
    â€œAnd don’t forget to dust the mealworms twice a week with a calcium supplement,” the vendor told the guy. His voice carried a Jamaican accent so heavy it sounded like he just got off the boat. There was a distinct pulse of immortality to his life force, although Adam couldn’t pin down the type. “If you have any questions, just give me a call—my number’s on the card.”
    The guy lumbered off with his newly purchased pet and two shopping bags loaded with supplies. Marlena waited until the customer was a few booths away before approaching the vendor. Back straight, shoulders squared. Chin tipped up. Apparently, she wasn’t going for the soft and cozy approach.
    â€œHey, Freddie, long time no see.”
    As soon as Freddie caught sight of Marlena, the smile fell away from his face. “Aw, shit. I don’t want no trouble.”
    She tilted her head to the left. “Now why would there be any trouble, Freddie? I just came here for a little demon horn.”
    The vendor’s lips pursed as if he was trying to determine the true nature of Marlena’s visit. His gaze flicked in Adam’s direction while he ran a hand over his freshly shaved scalp. “If you don’t want no trouble, then why’d you bring a reaper?”
    Marlena waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “Don’t worry about him. He’s cool, I promise. Now how much can you sell me?”
    Apparently, the promise of a sale outweighed Freddie’s apprehension over a reaper being in his shop. He lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug, his posture visibly relaxing.

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