Halcyon Nights (Star Sojourner Book 2)

Free Halcyon Nights (Star Sojourner Book 2) by Jean Kilczer

Book: Halcyon Nights (Star Sojourner Book 2) by Jean Kilczer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Kilczer
dons in exchange for a one-way ticket down to the planet.
    “All right, Master Bjorn.” I sat back and rubbed my lips thoughtfully. “For my child's sake. All right. I'll be finished with I-DEA when I give you this information. I'm probably finished with the agency anyway after kidnapping my daughter. I haven't been in touch with Central.” I looked around as though checking that we were alone, and sipped coffee, my hand steady this time. “There's another intelligent life form on Halcyon, besides the native Kubraens and the Terran colonists. A silver being, possibly not indigenous to the planet.” I studied Bjorn for his reaction, but saw none. “NASA's probes discovered this alien and it's become the government's best kept secret. The crystal mines are small spikes compared to him.”
    Bjorn remained expressionless, the cool bastard.
    ”I-DEA is very interested in this entity,” I said.
    He lifted brows.
    “I was given the mission of first contact. I
an astrobiologist, and I-DEA wants me to study this powerful alien being.” I shrugged. “Now that I'm through with the agency for kidnapping my daughter, I'd be willing to lead you to him.” I leaned forward and smiled. “You see, I'm the only one who knows how to find him. And the only way to find him is with my tel power.”
    “And just what makes this figment of your imagination so desirable to find?”
    I sat back and smiled. “He – “A wash of sadness flowed through me. A door in my mind flew open. A sudden tel-link. The silver tag!
    He can fulfill man's desires without dream systems, and control the minds of the great masses of men.
    Can you really do that?
I sent.
“He, uh, has the ability to –
Why don't
you just contact a telepathic agent at Interstel?
I sent to the alien.
They'd get rid of the czar for you, if he's the ravager you want me to kill.
    Interstel serves Interstel
    Bjorn watched me. I locked eyes with him and took a breath. “With his tel power and his crystals, this alien has the ability to implant compelling subliminal commands in anyone on Earth, or the Interstel Force itself, through mega-dream systems.” I leaned forward and plastered an intense look on my face, hopefully of greed. “Think of the possibilities, Master Bjorn. Through him, the dons could control the minds of all the grassmoles in power, once mega-dream units are concealed in the victims' bedrooms. This alien represents one of the greatest powers in the universe!” I slammed a fist on the table. “Or one of the greatest threats.”
! the silver tag sent.
    The hair on my neck bristled. “I-DEA thought it wouldn't hurt if I checked out your ship on the way to Halcyon.” I managed a smug expression. “We don't really have to tell the dons or the czar about this alien, now do we?” I smiled crookedly. “It could be our little secret.”
    Bjorn's eyes flickered with a momentary gleam, then dulled.
    “I can play it either way, Bjorn. I'll deal with you, or with your bosses. But either way, I'm in for a cut of the profits in the crystal imports and exports.”
    Bjorn just looked amused, damn him!
    “I've already tel-linked with this alien,” I said. “I understand his psyche. He trusts me.”
    Don't overstep your bounds,
the alien sent.
    “I, I can turn his loyalty from I-DEA to you, Bjorn. I'm the only one who can keep him happy and productive.”
    Would that you could.
    Stay with me!
I sent. Cold sweat trickled down my hairline. I dared not wipe it, but I had played my last card.
If you expect us to make it to Halcyon,
I sent to the silver crote,
you'd better offer some kind of help or some very good advice! I'm all out of ideas.
    “Daddy? Can we go now? I don't like Mister Born.”
    Bjorn turned to her. “Really, child? He's enamored of you.”
    “In a while, Lisa,” I said. “Be patient.” I leaned back and watched Bjorn dissect the baked brains with a fork and knife. “And the names, etcetera, of the agents, Mister

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