sliced all the way through.
There was a brief gush of blood
from the headless body before it fell to the floor and without
wasting any more time, I turned my attention back to Hermetia . There was no sneaky way of getting my hands on the scroll.
Frustrated I realized that the only way to get to it was to show
I looked down at the blood soaked blade in my
hand and the gold ring that was providing that extra supernatural
power. I quietly prayed it would be enough to keep me from the same
fate as the last two demons I just dealt with.
Taking a deep breath I stepped out of the
darkness and into what was basically the throne room for a very old
and very pissed off demon. I managed to get about five steps
forward into the room and closer to the scroll before my presence
was finally noticed.
‘ I know that smell.’ Said Hermetia , sniffing the air.
I held my nerves and continued
walking towards his throne. As I got closer I realised that massive
wasn’t quite the word to use to describe his size. Gargantuan
was apter and I quickly realized that going toe to toe with
him was probably a very bad idea.
Scanning the area around me I could see
nothing that I could use to give me the upper hand in the battle
that was about to take place. A sense of hopelessness started to
wash over me. That was until he actually turned to face me and I
saw that his neck area was the most exposed part of his body. I
glanced down at the machete which was tiny in size, but if I aimed
it correctly and with the power in the ring, I might just be able
to disable him long enough to grab the scroll and make a run for
‘ Is that the rest of my food?’ He
asked, and this
time, he stopped sniffing and instead his
head snapped round to face my direction.
‘ Fuck me you are one ugly bastard
even for Hell.’ I said with a smile as he looked down at me. I
could see unbridled rage well in those stagnant and hate filled
eyes of his.
‘ A human, walking freely in my
domain. I have never been so insulted in all my life. I’m going to
have a lot of fun punish…’ He stopped suddenly mid-sentence as his
gaze took in everything about me. ‘You’re his new toy.’ The words
cut through me like a knife.
‘ I’m no one’s toy.’ I stated
bluntly, trying hard to mask how offended I felt.
‘ You are his new play thing. Our
lord’s very own little hitman. How does it feel to be the plaything
of a spoiled child?’ The big demon chuckled and I was actually
starting to get quite pissed.
A head-on fight was sounding more and more like a
good option because I really wanted to kick his ass all over the
‘ Listen, dickhead, I am no one’s
‘ Has he sent you to kill me too? I
serve him for millennia and this is the thanks I get
for it?’ The laughter was quickly turning to anger and I decided to
capitalize on that.
‘ Yeah well, he is seriously pissed
that you stole that scroll from the monastery.’
‘ How could he have possibly known
it was stolen? Even he does not have the privilege of entering the
I wasn’t expecting that and now it was my
minds turn to try and come up with something believable or at least
creative enough to pass as the truth.
‘ You really think that he is going
to be locked out of any place in his own kingdom. The kingdom that
he created and has controlled since the dawn of time. Did you
really think he wasn’t going to notice you trying to break your way
out of this place without his permission?’
There seemed to be some sort of brain in that
massive head because he took some time to think about what I said
and I could see that if nothing else he did at least understand the
logic of what I was saying.
‘ The monks are bound by sacred
scripture. They are untouchable in many ways, but even they have to
answer to our lord, and I feel pretty certain that they would not
bring down his wrath upon them by alerting him to the fact the
scroll was missing.’ Damn this guy was
Baibin Nighthawk, Dominick Fencer