My Sparkling Misfortune (The Lakeland Knight)

Free My Sparkling Misfortune (The Lakeland Knight) by Laura Lond, Alla Alekseyeva

Book: My Sparkling Misfortune (The Lakeland Knight) by Laura Lond, Alla Alekseyeva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Lond, Alla Alekseyeva
he wondered whether it would be possible. I had no time to answer, and I honestly wouldn't know. Is there such a thing as a hero in training?"
    I suppressed a smirk. Ah, Kellemar... Still following your ambition, aren't you?
    "Not that I know of."
    "That's what I thought," the king agreed. "It did not sound right, unless I misunderstood him? Perhaps the prince meant something else, perhaps he just wants a mentor."
    I was certain King Osmund did not misunderstand, but I kept the thought to myself.
    We proceeded to the throne room. It was supposed to be a private reception, just the royal family, myself, and a couple of noblemen. King Osmund and the queen sat down on their thrones, I stood on the king's right. Jarvi, as always, was by my side. By the way, I forgot to mention that he had donned a new outfit as well, replacing his brownish tunic with a yellow one, its pattern matching the embroidery of my clothes. I did not notice it right away, but when I did I had to admit it was rather neat.
    A servant announced Prince Kellemar of Dalvanna.
    "I hope you know what you are doing," I whispered to Jarvi.
    "I do. Trust me."
    It did not look like I had any other option.
    Prince Kellemar entered, regal and proud, just as I remembered him. He was in the middle of giving a respectful bow to the king when he saw me. How can I describe his face?... Let's just say that the expression "his jaw dropped" has never been more appropriate.
    Seconds passed, and the prince still didn't move or say a word, gaping at me. Others thought nothing of it, in fact King Osmund was pleased--it had to be exactly the reaction he expected.
    I relished the scene for a while and then politely inquired,
    "What's the matter, Your Highness? Do I remind you of someone you know?"
    That seemed to bring him back to his senses, to some degree.
    "What is this man doing here?!"
    The king chuckled.
    "Why, my dear Prince Kellemar, what a question... You are too stunned, I'm afraid. This is our fearless Lakeland Knight."
    The announcement struck Kellemar speechless again. He stared at me, at the king, and then at every other person in the room.
    "He's no knight!!"
    "Yes, I know that," the king nodded.
    Kellemar's jaw went down once more.
    "Your Majesty knows?..."
    "Of course. I offered him knighthood, but he refused it. We made up the name Lakeland Knight and call him so, unofficially."
    "Ah! So you do not know his real name?"
    "No, he has reasons to conceal it, which is not unusual for a hero. What is the matter, my friend? Why are you so agitated?"
    Kellemar squared his shoulders.
    "Because I know exactly what those reasons are! Your Majesty, you are deceived, and you are in grave danger! I do not know how this man has managed to gain your trust, posing as a hero, but he is not what you believe him to be! He is a treacherous villain, I would not be surprised if he is after your treasury and your crown!"
    King Osmund looked shocked, angered, and embarrassed at the same time.
    "...What are you saying, my dear prince?? You must be unwell. Do you have any proof of these outrageous accusations?"
    The prince opened his mouth to say something and closed it. I smiled, figuring it all out. He might have had proof, but he'd never use it. His claim to fame rested on defeating Lord Arkus--on killing him, to be exact. Revealing my identity would shatter the only valiant deed he had under his belt. I was beginning to like it. This was far better than drowning!
    "Your Highness," I interfered, "I will be the first person to tell you that there is nothing heroic about me."
    "He is confirming it!.." half-asked, half-exclaimed Kellemar, with an utterly lost expression.

King Osmund rose from his throne.
    "Yes, of course he is confirming it! Shame on you, prince! 'Posing as a hero'--what a thing to say to a man who had refused to be called so from the very beginning, yet whose deeds speak for themselves! He has rescued my daughter, he has been helping my people in more ways than I probably

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