Lucy Surrenders
turning her to face him again.  She kept her eyes lowered, her shame blooming through her until she felt exactly like a naughty little girl.
    "This is your first lesson in how you are to conduct yourself when you are being punished, Lucy," Lucas said quietly.  He could see her trembling but knew it was important that she acknowledge his every word.  "Look at me," he ordered.  It took a few moments, but she finally lifted her eyes to meet his.  Hers instantly filled with tears at the look of love she saw in his eyes.  "You will always make a confession, and I shall either prepare you for your spanking or instruct you to prepare yourself," he said and watched as she swallowed hard.  "I believe that having to bare your own bottom allows you to remember your vow of submission to my discipline," he continued, and watched as her eyes attempted to slip from his in her embarrassment.  He released one of her hands to lift his own to her face, turning her face back to his.
    "No, Lucy," he said shaking his head.  "You are to look at me while you are either being prepared or preparing yourself.  I will not allow you to hide from what is happening.  Keep your eyes on mine.  Do you understand?"  She gave a small whimper but managed to nod.  "Answer me, Kitten," he instructed.
    "Yes, Sir," she whispered, her trembling becoming more noticeable.  He nodded.
    "Keep your eyes on me as you untie your drawers," he said, steeling himself against the tears he saw beginning to fill her beautiful violet eyes.  He released her hand and watched as she slowly moved her hands up underneath her dress and knew her fingers were fumbling with the ribbon at her waist.  He knew the instant the tie released by the look in her eyes before she closed them.
    "Eyes on mine," he barked and hers flew open.  "Let your drawers fall," he said and watched as the soft fabric was released and fell into a puddle at her feet.  She had a brief thought of Edward's assurance that Lucas would allow her to maintain as much modesty as possible but understood that was before she wed.
    "Lift your dress and hold it at your waist," she heard.  She whimpered but obeyed, slowly drawing her clothing up to her waist until she knew she was bare to him.  She could feel her entire body heat as his eyes left hers to look at her intimately for the first time.  She kept her eyes on the spot they had been before he dropped his gaze.  Time seemed suspended as Lucas took his time, his heart pounding as he drank in the sight before him.  Her legs were trembling, her slender thighs pale above the yellow ribbons that held her stockings.  He felt his sex stir and closed his own eyes for a moment, forcing himself to remember his duty.  He reached down and gently lifted her feet one at a time until she had stepped from her drawers.  He picked them up and laid them on the settee beside him.  He allowed his eyes to gaze at the soft blonde curls at the apex of her thighs.
    "Open your legs," he said, his voice low and husky.  Lucy felt her stomach flip over and her temperature rise at his order.  She didn't want to obey him; her heart slammed in her chest, knowing he would discover that she was wet between her legs.  She didn't truly understand her body's reaction but had found that she grew wet whenever he touched her or kissed her deeply.  She jerked a bit as she felt his hand on her thigh, but didn't resist as he gently guided her legs apart.  Lucas saw the evidence of her arousal immediately and again felt his cock lengthen and press against the confines of his trousers.  He didn't speak as he very gently ran a finger between her legs, barely touching the surface of her skin.  Lucy moaned, his touch igniting something deep inside her.  Her eyes fluttered closed, and she moaned again when his finger left her most private spot.  Lucas took a deep breath and lifted his head again.  He saw her eyes closed and smiled before speaking.
    "Eyes," he said, and she reluctantly

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