Lucy Surrenders
because I knew ... knew it would be the easier path."  She paused, and Lucas didn't push her.  "I ... I loved you from the moment you plucked me off that ladder.  I didn't want to love you.  You frightened me.  I ... I knew what sort of man you were, what ... what you'd demand of your wife.  I knew you wanted me to be more than ... than a wife.  I ... I didn't think I could be what you desired.  When ... when you began to step away, I knew you really loved me.  You ... you truly wanted me to be happy even if that meant you wouldn't be.  I ... I couldn't deny my heart.  I love you so very much."
    Lucas was incredibly touched by her words.  "Stepping away was the hardest thing I have ever done," he admitted.  "I loved you the moment I saw you dangling from the ladder.  It killed me every time I saw you with Charles.  I prayed for you to come to realize that you were made to be mine.  I knew that you were aware of the kind of life I live and were confused and frightened.  I knew you were the only woman I wished to wed.  The only one I wished to teach to be both my wife and my own special little one.  I also knew I wouldn't force you to choose me."  He paused as he felt her hands tremble in his.  "You needed to look deep inside your heart and make your own decision, knowing that you were choosing the more difficult path.  Loving me won't always be easy, Kitten; this life will demand a great deal from you.  I will never hesitate to redden your bottom when I feel you need it," he said, and felt her shudder.  He smiled and knew she was thinking of the spanking she still had coming.  "I will also never hesitate to remind you how much I love you, Lucy, and will every moment for the rest of my life."
    His hand released one of hers and reached to take hold of the charm.  "Did you read the inscription?" he asked, turning the charm around to look at the back.  Lucy shook her head and dropped her eyes to his hand.  "It says, 'My heart, my life, my love'," he read, tracing the tiny engraved words with his fingertip.  He released the charm and let it fall to nestle between her breasts.  Lucy heard the truth of his words and felt the remains of any uneasiness slip from her.  She might not know what to expect every moment, but she knew she would never leave his side.
    "Are you ready?" he asked gently.  She nodded, her bottom clenching as her eyes drifted to the open doors of the cabinet.
    "Ye ... yes, Sir," she said.  Lucas nodded and waited until her eyes returned to his.
    "Make your confession," Lucas ordered.
    "I'm sorry I threw a tantrum, Lucas," she began, her voice soft, and yet she didn't hesitate to make her confession.  "I admit I was testing you to see if you would change your mind about my clothing.  It was so wrong to try to manipulate you and to say all those awful things.  I'm sorry I cursed.  I am so sorry for everything."  Lucas was extremely pleased with her confession as it covered every item of her disobedience.  He gave her hands a squeeze.
    "That's my good girl," he said.  "Confessing your naughtiness can be difficult, but Kitten, I am proud of you."  Lucy found herself smiling at his words, knowing she would have been unable to make such a full confession this morning.  Forced to think about her misbehavior for several hours allowed her to truly examine her actions and fully confess them.  Lucas nodded again and then released her hands only to turn her until her back was to him.  Lucy took in a deep breath and held it as she felt him begin to lift her skirts and petticoats.  Her eyes closed as her face flushed.  She remained still as he carefully tucked the fabric into the waistband of her pinafore, anchoring it up and off her bottom.  She was aware of the weight of her dress in the front as the weight was lifted off her bottom.  Her insides churned, knowing her bottom was now exposed, though still covered.  She expected him to untie her drawers, but Lucas surprised her by

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