Loving the Chase (Heart of the Storm #1)

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Book: Loving the Chase (Heart of the Storm #1) by Sharla Lovelace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharla Lovelace
Weather Service from here,” Simon said, keeping the subject rolling. “We can call it in or do it online. Depends on conditions.”
    “I thought you said you had two vehicles you did this with now,” Maddi said. “Where’s the other one?”
    “We don’t always bring both,” Zach said. “This isn’t supposed to be a huge event, and Eli had something to do.”
    Eli came up with something to do. Probably doing crossword puzzles in his office or rearranging his files or anything to avoid being a part of Zach’s evil plan.
    “So, are you married, Maddi?” Simon asked, making Zach want to pull the car over and pummel him. “Kids? Dogs?”
    Maddi chuckled behind him. “Nope. I’d love to get a big dog one day, but that requires a yard, which requires a house.”
    “Which requires money,” Simon added.
    “Exactly,” she responded. “Which requires the crazy hours I work—and allows me no time for my dream dog.”
    “So what do you do?” Simon asked.
    “I’m the assistant to the associate producer,” she said. “And yes, that’s as useless as it sounds.”
    “Hey, you’re there,” Simon said. “It’s a start.”
    “It’s been a start for a long time,” Maddi said dryly. “I’m ready for a move.”
    “Didn’t you want to go be a big shot on CNN? Or Fox News?” Hannah asked.
    Zach gave his sister a look in the mirror. That was kind of mean.
    “Yeah, well,” Maddi said. “Real life, and all that.”
    For twenty-nine more minutes, Maddi asked questions, commented on the vehicle, the clouds, the equipment, and Zach endured it because he had to—and the subtle sweet aroma of her scent, and the sound of her voice got him through it. Until a big fat raindrop splatted against the windshield.
    “Here we go,” Zach said.
    “Pull over,” Hannah said.
    “Why?” Maddi asked.
    “Look at that shelf cloud,” Hannah said. “Damn, that’s beautiful.” She grabbed her other camera from a bag on the floorboard as Zach pulled to the side of the road.
    “So you just stop and take pictures?” Maddi asked.
    “Somebody has to,” Hannah said, pushing open her door. “Remember?”
    More big drops hammered the windshield. “It’s raining,” Maddi said, as if that would change her mind.
    Hannah chuckled, her eyes lighting up. “Yes, it is.” She shouldered her bag and the video camera as well. “Just a few shots, Zach.” Two minutes later, Hannah was back in, stray curls blown free and stuck to her wet face. “Wind’s picking up.”
    They pulled out onto the highway again, the van following them amidst pummeling rain. Chatter on the radio increased as other storm chasers in the area chimed in. The darkness loomed over them like a claw, and even through the slicing windshield wipers, Zach could see it. Feel it. The promise of what was to come as the air changed.
    That’s how he always knew. Regardless of Simon’s reports, of what anyone on the radio said, he knew when it was coming. The change of the pressure on his skin, on his brain—it fueled him like a drug.
    But Maddi had grown quiet, and he wished she was sitting where Hannah was, so he could see her face in the rearview mirror. He wanted to know she was okay. It felt more and more wrong, her sitting through this.
    “You all right, Maddi?” he asked finally, needing the reassurance.
    “I’m fine,” she said, attempting cocky that didn’t quite play that way. “Just worry about what you’re doing.”
    “We’re good back here,” Hannah said, palming her camcorder.
    “Talk to me, Simon,” he said as the rain became a wall of white, blowing at an angle he could only see by where it hit his window.
    “Jesus,” Maddi breathed, gripping his seat.
    Damn it, he could feel her fear behind him, and he couldn’t stand it. If something happened to her again because of him . . . but it wouldn’t. He just had to keep his wits about him.
    “It’s moving southward, slow,” Simon said. “Really slow. Stalling over the Mossy Cove

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