Whispered Truths (God's Reapers MC Book 2)

Free Whispered Truths (God's Reapers MC Book 2) by Kara Parker

Book: Whispered Truths (God's Reapers MC Book 2) by Kara Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Parker
and glaring at her. She had just arrived at work, coming in ten minutes early to put the gear back in the squad car. She still hadn’t heard from David. She had spent her entire drive wondering if he had told Mike yet and what the older man had said.
    Shit , Olivia thought. But she refused to let them see her sweat. She squared her shoulders, gave the lieutenant and nod, and marched confidently to the captain’s office. What could have happened? What did they know? There were too many variables for Olivia to start thinking of a good lie. Was it her relationship with David, her late night, her unauthorized stakeout, her borrowing police tools? She had broken a lot of rules in the last few days. She thought she had been careful enough, but here she was, heading to the captain’s office, and she doubted it would be for praise this time.
    Olivia knocked three times and was permitted into the captain’s office where she was surprised to see Lance. He was in the chair facing the captain’s desk, and he turned around to look at her when she came in. The sneer he gave her told her everything she needed to know.
    “Officer Waters, please remain standing,” the captain said. That was not a good sign and Olivia felt herself getting sick. All she had ever wanted was to be a good cop, and she thought she had been. But her captain clearly thought otherwise.
    “Do you know why you’re here?” the captain asked.
    “Clearly Officer Townsend has an issue with me,” Olivia answered. Her voice was clear; her back was straight. She might be about to lose everything, but she would keep her dignity.
    “Why do you think he has an issue?” the captain asked. Olivia could see what she was doing. The captain knew something, but not all of it; she was trying to get Olivia to out herself.
    “Well, I imagine Officer Townsend is upset that I’ve started forcing him to do some real police work for the first time in his life.”
    “Officer Townsend said you pushed him up against the squad car and threatened him,” the captain said evenly. So Lance had ratted. He had told the captain that Olivia, a woman half his size, had pushed him around—and now he was making her pay. He had no doubt failed to mention that the only reason Olivia had been forced to act that way was so she could actually spend her days doing her job instead of driving around and pretending to do it.
    “Officer Townsend also abandoned me when I broke up a fight on the north side of town. I was investigating an incident. Instead of backing me up, he hid in the car and left me to deal with two members of God’s Reapers on my own.”
    “Is this true?” the captain asked Lance.
    “We were in unfamiliar territory with no back up. I went back to the car to call it in, but before I could, Officer Waters came back.”
    “Really?” Olivia demanded. “And how long does it take to call in backup—ten, fifteen minutes? Because that’s how long you were gone.” She couldn’t help but raise her voice. This was the very definition of unfair.
    “That’s a lie, captain,” Lance said, leaning forward in his chair.
    Olivia opened her mouth to speak. She had a million things she could say about Lance—the skipped calls, his laziness, his general air of apathy, but the captain stopped them both. She raised her hand and the two officers were silenced immediately.
    “Several items were missing from your cruiser last night—the telephoto lens, binoculars, lock-pick case. I went myself and saw they were missing this morning. We’ve had a camera trained on your car all day, have you returned these items?”
    Shit, Olivia thought furiously to herself. Shit, shit, shit . She had been caught, by Lance Townsend, of all people. And now he was sitting a few feet in front of her, preening under the captain’s gaze like a cat in a ray of sun. Olivia had the strongest urge to reach over to him and slam his face down into the

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