Bully Me (Bully Me #1)

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Book: Bully Me (Bully Me #1) by C. E. Starkweather Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. E. Starkweather
his hand down her waist and back up to her breasts. He groaned, pushing himself off of her.
    "Kaine, we can't do this. You're drunk."
    "But I want you," she whispered.
    God dammit.
    He got up and crouched next to the bed, brushing her hair out of her face. "Tell you what. If you want me when you're sober, you can have me. But I can't take advantage of you when you're like this. Ok?"
    Kaine sighed. "Fine. Goodnight, Shane."
    "Night, Kainie," he said softly, quietly slipping out of her room. He wondered if she would remember any of this in the morning. He hoped she did. He flopped in bed, trying to sleep but unable to get Kaine out of his mind.
    Kaine woke up early the next morning with a massive headache. "Fuck," she muttered. She reached for her water and was surprised to see two aspirin sitting on her night table. Thank god, she thought, taking the aspirin and choking down the entire bottle of water. She fell back asleep and woke up a few hours later, feeling a little better. She still had a small headache, but she felt pretty good, considering how much she had drank last night. "Shit," she mumbled, grabbing her phone and texting Kelsey.
    Make it home ok last night?
    Thankfully, Kelsey texted her back almost immediately.
    Had Greg pick me up. Just picked my car up. Worst hangover ever.
    Kaine chuckled and laid back in bed, reluctant to get up. She tried to remember what had happened last night. It came back to get in bits and pieces. Drinking with Kelsey, skinny dipping, Camden taking her home, Shane helping her to bed...
    She gasped sitting up. Oh shit.
    She was relieved to feel that nothing felt out of place or sore. She was definitely still a virgin. She vaguely remember kissing Shane, and him rejecting her. Her face burned with humiliation. What was she thinking? Hopefully he would just chalk it up to her being drunk and forget about it.
    She threw on her bathrobe and took a shower, brushing her teeth. She felt a lot better once she didn't have makeup smeared all over her face anymore and went downstairs for something to eat. She glanced around the kitchen, happy to see that she was alone. She made a large pot of coffee and sat down, working on the crossword puzzle in the newspaper.
    "Morning, sleeping beauty," Shane said, grinning at her. She glanced up sheepishly, looking in his eyes for a sign of anger or disgust. He looked sincere, so she smiled back. "Sorry for last night. I was pretty fucked up."
    He laughed. "Yeah, you were. It's cool. Did you get sick?"
    She shook her head. "No, thank god. But I'm done drinking for the next lifetime. Where is everyone?"
    "Mom and Tom took Logan to get fitted for his tux. Jay's at work."
    Kaine smiled at the thought of Logan in a tuxedo. "I can't wait to see him. I bet he looks adorable."
    "Of course he'll be adorable. He's an Ellery. It's in our genes."
    She smiled, pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Want some?" She asked.
    "No thanks. Can we talk about last night?"
    Kaine was dreading this conversation. "Look Shane, I'm really sorry for losing control like that. I was just really drunk, and I didn't know what I was doing."
    He watched her for a minute, silent. "Ok then. But just so you know, I meant what I said."
    "What did you say?" She asked, confused.
    He smiled and shook his head. "It's not important. Do you feel up to working in the yard?"
    She nodded and finished her coffee, following him outside.
    "Just so you know, if Camden shows up today, I'm kicking his ass out of here," Shane said.
    Kaine giggled. "Yeah, I'm actually ok with that."
    "Do you remember him driving you home last night?"
    Kaine nodded. "That part I remember. I was walking home from Lucy's and he happened to see me walking."
    Shane put down his hedge trimmers. "So you think that was a coincidence? That he just happened to pass you by?"
    Kaine shrugged. "I hadn't thought about it. Why, do you think that he was following me?" The thought of Camden watching her swim naked with Kelsey made her feel sick

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