Bully Me (Bully Me #1)

Free Bully Me (Bully Me #1) by C. E. Starkweather

Book: Bully Me (Bully Me #1) by C. E. Starkweather Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. E. Starkweather
"Are you a virgin?"
    The alcohol had seemingly taken away her filter too.
    "Yes," Kaine admitted. "But I'm not, like, holding on to my virginity or anything. I've just never done it. In fact, my first date ever was with Cam last night. But I also don't want to do it with someone who just wants me for that, you know? I need to at least like the guy."
    Kelsey nodded. "Makes sense. I've only been with Greg. But we've been together for so long that I'd never really had a chance to date anyone else. I love him, but sometimes I wish I didn't feel so tied down."
    "I'd love to be tied down," Kaine said wistfully. Kelsey giggled.
    "Not like that, pervert," Kaine laughed.
    The girls took another drink. "Can I tell you something?" Kaine asked. Kelsey nodded.
    "I think...I think Shane is cute sometimes."
    Kelsey burst out laughing, and after a minute Kaine started giggling, until they were both laughing hysterically.
    "Oh God," Kelsey gasped, holding her sides. "I don't know why that was hilarious, but it was. So what are you saying? You like Shane?"
    Kaine shook her head. "No! I mean, how can I like him after everything he's done to me? But then he walks by me, smirking at me with his shirt off, and I have the craziest urge to jump him. Am I crazy? I'm crazy."
    Kelsey thought for a minute. "Well then you don't really like him. But your body does. You can't help the way your body responds to certain things."
    "I know Kels, but I feel horrible for even thinking those things. Like by wanting him I'm letting him win. If that makes sense."
    Kelsey shrugged. "My advice? Just go with it. I mean, you're going to be living with him for the next year. And after that, you're going to see him every summer and at every family event. Imagine the sexual tension you're going to have to deal with. You're young, hot and unattached. What do you have to lose?"
    "My pride, I suppose. But whatever. I'm far too drunk for this philosophical conversation."
    Kelsey laughed and they swam for awhile in a comfortable silence.
    Camden watched as Kaine pulled off her clothes and jumped in the pool with Kelsey, trying to ignore the raging hard on he got when he looked at her. He hadn't known that they would be swimming naked, but was happy with the view. Kaine was even more stunning naked than she was clothed. The gentle curves of her body were perfect.
    He had only followed Kelsey out of curiosity, to see if her and Kaine were really hanging out or if Kelsey was going to drop her off somewhere with another guy. Once he saw that they were swimming, he figured he could listen for awhile and see if Kaine said anything about him. He was disappointed when she didn't, but happy that she was still a virgin. Until she confessed her feelings for Shane.
    It took every ounce of self control not to yell out in frustration. How could she like that piece of shit? Maybe she was one of those girls that liked assholes. He had tried to be a nice guy, but clearly she wasn't into that. Maybe he would act like a dick and see if she responded to that.
    His thoughts were interrupted when Kelsey and Kaine climbed out of the pool and toweled off, hastily and drunkenly putting their clothes back on, giggling. He rolled his eyes. He wasn't opposed to drinking, but they both had clearly had too much.
    "Are you staying here?" Kaine asked as Kelsey flopped onto a lounge chair.
    "Yeah. Sleeping it off," Kelsey mumbled.
    "I think I'll walk," Kaine said. Camden sighed, wondering how she thought she was going to walk home when she could barely stand up.
    Kelsey mumbled a goodbye as Kaine stumbled through the gate.
    Camden quickly ran to his car and started it, giving Kaine a few minutes to get a head start.
    He slowly drove, spotting her walking carefully but awkwardly down the road. He pulled up next to her. "Kaine?"
    She looked over and smiled at him, melting his heart. "Camden!" She yelled.
    "Kaine, be quiet. It's after 12. What are you doing?"
    "Goin' home," she slurred.
    "Well, get

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