The Billionaire's Pet

Free The Billionaire's Pet by Loki Renard

Book: The Billionaire's Pet by Loki Renard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loki Renard
the words had come from her mouth. What a thing to have to say.
    “You’re my pet, and this is part of your training,” he informed her. “You’ll be my pony, my pup, my kitten, you’ll be what I want you to be—and I think you’ll learn a thing or two about yourself in the process too. This is just a game, Ellie, an intense game, but a game nonetheless. Try not to take yourself too seriously.”
    “Says the man not wearing a leather harness,” she complained, squirming back and forth on her heels, which had become like hobbles in the straw. At this point, arguing was all she had to maintain some sense of rebellion. He was increasingly taking away every last scrap of resistance.
    And the bindings were still coming. Daniel attached two leather cuffs to her wrists, then clipped the cuffs to the harness, making it impossible for her to move her arms away from her body. As her range of motion diminished, so her desire to bite back at him increased—which she did literally, snapping at his hand as it passed near her mouth on the way to yet more leather.
    “Careful, pet,” he said in even tones. “Snapping is not something I will ever tolerate from you. If you want to bite, you’ll find yourself regretting it.”
    Ellie looked him dead in the eye and snapped her teeth at him, knowing she was testing him. It was probably madness to test a man who had flown her upstate, spanked her bottom, stripped her of almost every vestige of her identity, and was in the process of making her his pony, but Ellie did not care. What did she have to lose?
    Daniel cocked his head at her and smiled with dry amusement. “Just when I think you might have had enough, you push matters further. Well, my naughty filly, let me see if I can remedy that nasty little habit you’re thinking of developing.”
    He opened a box of tack and picked something out of it—a rubber-covered bit that looked exactly like the bits horses wore, aside from the fact that most of it had been covered with the rubber to soften the effect on the human mouth.
    “Daniel… no, please, come on… not that…” She could hear a whimpering, plaintive tone in her voice. “I get it, I’m your pet.”
    “You don’t get it at all,” he replied gently. “But you will. Open up, Ellie, it’s time to accept your bit.”
    “Daniel,” she whined, shifting from foot to foot, the tingling in her bottom turning to a hot flushing sensation over her whole body. The harness was one thing. It felt almost secure to be strapped into it, and by the look in his eye, she knew it was flattering—but a bit? She wouldn’t be able to speak with that in her mouth. “This is too much.”
    “Is it?” He reached out and brushed a few stray strands of hair out of her eyes, his touch tender, his voice low and soft. “Is it too much, or are you afraid of how much you’re actually enjoying not being in control for five minutes?”
    “I know exactly what it’s like to not be in control, Daniel,” she said snappishly. “You’re the one who should be wearing this outfit. You’re the one who can’t fathom not having his way. You’re the one who… mphh!”
    Ellie’s further opinions on him were lost to posterity as he slid the rubber bit into her open mouth, pinning her tongue and effectively gagging her. Her outrage muted, but not at all tempered, she glared at him furiously as he secured the leather behind her head.
    “You agreed to this,” he reminded her. “But I’m not a complete monster. If this becomes too much, snap the fingers of your left hand and I’ll get you out of all this. Can you do that for me now?”
    She stared daggers at him. So now he thought he was some great kind benign dictator, allowing her the ability to end the torment if it was too much. She became certain in that moment that she would not snap her fingers, not for anything. He wanted to break her spirit, but she would not allow that.
    “Ellie, this is important,” he said patiently. “I need to

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