Second Chance Love (Heaven Hill Book 6)

Free Second Chance Love (Heaven Hill Book 6) by Laramie Briscoe

Book: Second Chance Love (Heaven Hill Book 6) by Laramie Briscoe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laramie Briscoe
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Kentucky, love, motorcycle
    Rooster doubted that Drew had ever gotten his ass handed to him. “You sure you’re not the one doing the handing?”
    “I am now,” he smiled. “I think I’ve finally gotten big enough.”
    Looking at Drew this time, searching for something that hadn’t been there before, Rooster gave him a critical eye. If he were being critical, Drew had gotten bigger, but he wasn’t insanely huge. He didn’t look any different than a lot of other teenagers that spent most of their free time working out. He was focused, and Rooster was willing to bet that by being the type of person that would dig in and work hard, he’d gained a lot of respect on the field, and that had more to do with the ass handing than anything. “You have gotten a little bigger.”
    “A little?” Drew raised an eyebrow. “Motherfucker, I been lifting almost three times a day.”
    The tone with which Drew talked to him made Rooster take notice. It was obvious his moods were shifting rapidly. “What did you just say to me?”
    The easygoing smile was back in place, and Drew backed away. “Nothin’, man, I was outta line. I’ll see you at the shop.”
    With those words, Drew was gone, leaving Rooster little doubt that there most definitely was a steroid issue at this school. It looked like the prince of the clubhouse was deep in the fucking middle of it.
    Rooster did not want to be the bearer of this bad news. Instead of running to Liam right this second, he wanted to sit on it and make sure his facts were straight before he went about accusing someone. The last thing he needed was to be wrong.

    “What the hell is that on your neck?”
    Roni jerked her head up from where she had been bent over the parts order that Liam had given her. She’d been so deep into it; she hadn’t heard Denise and Tatum make their way inside. The year-old niece that had completely stolen her heart toddled over to her and lifted her arms up, begging to be picked up.
    “What?” Roni asked, confused.
    Denise marched over to where she sat, pulled out her makeup compact, and angled the mirror so that Roni could look into it. “What the hell is that on your neck?” She pointed to a dark purple bruise that sat right where her neck and shoulder met.
    “Shit,” she whispered.
    “Don’t make me drag this out of you,” Denise grinned.
    Tatum picked that minute to get loud, banging her hands on the desk and demanding attention. At the same time, Cash came in, handing Roni an invoice.
    “I signed for this, Liam said it was okay.”
    Roni grabbed it from his hand and read over it quickly. “Yeah, you’re good.”
    Denise knew an opening when she saw it. “Tatum, honey, you wanna go with Cash for a few minutes?”
    Besides Drew, Tatum was completely in love with Cash. The little girl had a crush something fierce, and Cash couldn’t help but love her to death in return. As soon as he held his arms out to her, Tatum turned traitor on her aunt and couldn’t get to him fast enough.
    “There’s my girl.” Cash grinned down at her, putting her on his hip. “When you two get sick of female bonding time or what the fuck ever, we’ll be outside.”
    “Language.” Denise leveled him with a stare.
    “Sorry, sorry.” He slapped his free hand over his mouth and made his way out of the office.
    “Really?” Roni leveled her with her own stare. “You said hell in front of her.”
    Denise laughed. “She knows which words are the absolute worst and says them when she shouldn’t. I’ve caught her saying ‘motherfucker’ twice. I know she gets it from either Drew or Tyler. She’s not even said ‘momma’ yet.” Denise shook her head. “Yet, she can say ‘daddy’ and ‘motherfucker’? I’m totally mom of the year.”
    Roni giggled. “Well you gotta admit, it’s kinda the same thing.”
    Finally getting why Roni was giggling, Denise joined in. “Don’t think this is getting you out of telling me about that hickey on your neck.” She wiped

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