Capturing Caroline
washed through
    He hovered over
her, a needful look in his blue-gray eyes. “I’m going to make you
come harder than you ever have before.”
    She groaned at
his words and panted, “I just did.”
    He slid between
her thighs and pressed the head of his cock to her entrance.
“Harder. I want you to come even harder, Caroline.”
    She moaned as
the wide crown of his cock pushed all the way into her. He was huge
and stretched her muscles so deliciously. Inch by mind-blowing
inch, he slid into her. He did it slowly, carefully, as though
afraid he’d hurt her.
    Caroline met
his gaze. “I’m not made of china,” she whispered. “Don’t treat me
like I’m fragile. I want you. All of you.”
    Holding her
hips and her gaze, he thrust forward steadily, all the way to the
base of him.
    “Yes,” she
sighed. She felt completely possessed by him, totally filled up. He
was a very big man—in all ways. Every square inch of her seemed
touched by him. Slowly, so she could feel every centimeter, he slid
out, and then back in. She squirmed beneath him, tears stinging her
eyes at how good it felt to have him inside her.
    He lowered his
head and kissed her as he moved slowly in and out. Her lips parted
in wonder at the look of love in his eyes and the intimacy of this
act, having him within her and face-to-face. He parted her lips and
brushed his tongue against hers. Tightening her hands on his
shoulders, she whimpered in the back of her throat at the
perfectness of the experience.
    He brushed her
hair away from her face and held her gaze. “I haven’t been this
happy in a long, long time, Caroline. I never want this to
    A tear squeezed
from the corner of her eye and he kissed it away. His motions
became surer and longer and harder with every stroke. A moan ripped
from Caroline’s throat as she arched her back. She could barely
form a coherent thought. Her entire reality had narrowed to only
him and she suspected he likely felt the same—his awareness
completely filled by her.
    He placed a
hand to the back of her knee and hooked one leg over his hip,
changing his angle and deepening the penetration. This position
caused him to move back and forth over an especially sensitive area
deep within her. She braced her other foot on the mattress and
thrust her hips up at him, driving him harder and deeper inside
    “Caroline,” he
    She went to
pieces beneath him as an incredibly strong climax washed over her.
She moaned out his name, clutching his shoulders as the muscles of
her cunt pulsed around his cock.
    He answered in
kind. Torrent groaned and she felt him spill within her.
heavy, he rested on top of her, bracing his arms on either side of
her. He buried his face in the hollow of her neck and laid a line
of kisses to her skin. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled
happily, never wanting him to leave her body.
    They stayed
that way for a long time, basking in the aftermath of their shared
pleasure. She kissed his shoulder and inhaled close to his skin,
reveling in the musky male smell of him. Caroline hoped the scent
of him stayed on her, had worked its way into the pores of her
skin. She wanted to be marked as his—completely and totally.
    * * * *
    "Come on,
Caroline, you're going to be late!"
    "I know! I'm
hurrying!" Caroline called back to Paige as she emerged from the
bathroom still trying to get her dress buttoned right. "I had a
busy—er—late night, that’s all."
    Kaitlyn peeked
her head out the door of the bedroom and grinned at her. "Yep.
Heard that story before."
cheeks were bright pink as she emerged into the room. "In any case,
Torrent will wait for me."
    Paige came
around from behind her and examined the buttoning job Caroline had
done. Her sister tsked , then buttoned her up the right away.
"Torrent would do anything for you."
    She smiled. It
was true. Torrent was the best man in the world. All of the
    The previous
afternoon she’d been

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