Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Charlotte Smith Page A

Book: Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Charlotte Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Smith
Tags: Romance
order?” Jessie took a step forward, directly into Gabriel’s chest, poking him with a lacquered fingernail. “You gave me an order? Who the hell do you think you are?” She was fairly trembling now, furious with him for trying to control her.
    “You spend an evening rescuing me from those horrible people at the party, and now you think you get to tell me what to do? I have also been trained by MI6, Your Grace , and am perfectly capable of looking after myself. I have no need to hide in a car, leaving a helpless man to who knows what!”
    As Jessie’s anger peaked, she realized that her breath was coming in gasps. With each gasp, her breasts heaved directly into Gabriel’s chest at the bottom of his rib cage, and without her wrap she was conscious of the beaded tips of her nipples as the silk of her gown caressed them on every inhale.
    She came back to herself an instant later, realizing that she’d pressed herself right against Gabriel in her wrath, hoping to force him backward. Of course that hadn’t worked, she thought angrily, since the jerk just stood there staring down at her, all dark and angry and totally sexy as hell. She found herself getting lost in the dark pools of his eyes, and her breath hitched as he licked his lips.
    Just as Gabriel opened his mouth to deliver what Jessie was sure would be a scathing retort, the driver moaned and stirred. Jessie spun guiltily toward the man lying in the road, horrified that she’d totally forgotten about him while she’d been busy staring at Gabriel’s mouth. She started toward him, but Gabriel reached for her and caught her by the hand.
    “This is not finished. We will continue our conversation later.”
    With that, Gabriel strode around Jessie, releasing her hand and leaving her fuming. He picked up the driver with no visible effort, being careful of the man’s head and laying him down in the backseat of the Hummer.
    Once he’d arranged the driver and closed the door, Gabriel walked to the big branch that was still lying across the road. He took an end and tugged, hauling the heavy branch off the road with apparent ease. Jessie looked at him enviously, wishing she’d been able to move it as easily. If she had, she’d never have had to call him in the first place.
    Jessie stalked toward the car, intending to drive herself home while Gabriel could go drive off a cliff, for all she cared. She hadn’t made it more than two steps when she felt a big hand on her shoulder for the umpteenth time that evening, an evening that, at this point, she felt would never end. Gabriel spun her around to face him again.
    “Going somewhere?” His voice was silky, that aristocratic eyebrow raised high.
    Jessie gritted her teeth, reminding herself that she was a titled lady, and as much as she might like to hop up and down screaming at him, it was beneath her. She raised her chin a notch. “I am going home. I wish to go to bed. This evening has become...tiresome.”
    Gabriel grinned at her. “I won’t stop you. In fact, I’ll ensure you arrive safely.”
    Jessie frowned at him. “Really, Your Grace, you’ve done quite enough this evening.”
    As if he hadn’t heard her, Gabriel took a firm grip on Jessie’s elbow, his other hand pressing against the small of her back. “Those men could still be on the road. I’ll drive you home.”
    Jessie huffed as he bundled her into the Hummer, buckling her seat belt for her and taking the keys to the car. She twisted her hands in her lap. She was uncomfortable with this for so many reasons. She watched as Gabriel moved the car from the road, parking it alongside for someone to pick up later. She was enthralled by him even as she was cross with him. She loved the way the night wind whipped his long hair around his chiseled face.
    Gabriel got into the driver’s seat, putting the big vehicle into drive and maneuvering it carefully down the road. Jessie could tell he was looking for other signs that something was amiss, and she was

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