Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Charlotte Smith

Book: Jessie's Jewels [Submissive Sirens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Charlotte Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Smith
Tags: Romance
to move the driver. She estimated that they were still closer to Gabriel’s estate than her own, so with a feeling of trepidation she went to the still-running car and switched it off, palming the keys before dialing Gabriel’s number.
    “Hello?” Gabriel’s voice wasn’t sleepy at all, and the fact that he’d answered on almost the first ring told Jessie he hadn’t yet gone to bed.
    “Hello, Gabriel.” The precariousness of her situation dawned on Jessie, and she looked around herself as the nighttime sounds seemed louder than a moment ago.
    “Lady Jessamy? Are you all right?” Gabriel’s voice cracked like a whip.
    “I’ve had a bit of an incident.” She filled him in briefly, not wanting to waste time explaining while she was still outside in the middle of the night with an injured man and a promise of retribution from two masked men.
    “I’m coming. Get back in the car and lock the doors.” With that, Gabriel ended the call.
    As if that’s going to happen , Jessie thought to herself. She wasn’t about to leave the driver lying by himself in the road, especially if those two assholes came back, so she took her phone and the gun and sat down beside the driver to wait. She took off her wrap and laid it over the driver, knowing it was more important right now for him to be kept warm than for herself.
    She estimated that ten minutes had passed when she heard a powerful roar coming from the direction of Hartley House, and she watched as a pair of headlights became visible in the darkness. Not content to assume it was Gabriel, Jessie roused herself and trained the gun on the approaching vehicle. She sighed in relief a moment later, lowering the gun as she recognized Gabriel’s Hummer. Frankly, she was delighted to see the massive vehicle. She knew it was bulletproof, and right now she was feeling a tad vulnerable.
    “Gabriel,” she called, “Help me get him into the Hummer. You can drive him back to yours and I’ll borrow your car. I’ll ask Liam to drop it off…”
    Jessie’s words stuck in her throat as she got a good look at the fire blazing in Gabriel’s eyes. She stopped, jaw practically on the ground, as he strode over to her. His long legs covered the distance between them in a matter of moments, and Jessie was shocked when Gabriel stopped directly in front of her and gripped her shoulders.
    His teeth were clenched. “Did I not instruct you,” he grated, his fury evident, “to wait in the fucking car with the doors locked?”
    Jessie was solemn. Gabriel was seriously pissed. “I didn’t want to leave him alone, Gabriel. What if those two bastards came back?”
    Gabriel released one shoulder to pinch the bridge of his nose, and Jessie could see his nostrils flare as he took deliberately even breaths.
    “That’s exactly my point, Lady Jessamy. What would you have done if they had indeed returned?”
    Jessie smiled, a small, lopsided quirk of her lips. “I would have shot them.” She held out the gun. “Thank you, Your Grace, for keeping your vehicles so well stocked.”
    Gabriel’s face was unreadable as he took the gun from her. “Dammit, Jessamy, you can’t guarantee that nothing would have gone wrong.”
    Jessie gently removed his other hand from her shoulder, holding it in hers for a moment to try and calm him. “But, Gabriel, it didn’t. Nothing went wrong.”
    “But it could have, dammit!” Gabriel raked a hand through his long dark hair, and Jessie noticed for the first time that it had come undone from its neat queue, giving him the air of a pirate.
    “Jessamy!” Gabriel barked at her, his hand moving to her chin and holding her head immobile. “I gave you an order! You deliberately chose not to follow it!”
    Jessie stared at him, dumbfounded for a moment before her sense of righteous anger bubbled to the surface. Put like that, Gabriel sounded like the domineering asshole he usually was, and Jessie forgot in an instant the pleasure of having him rub her feet.

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