Revenge: A Bad Boy Romance

Free Revenge: A Bad Boy Romance by Jessica Ashe

Book: Revenge: A Bad Boy Romance by Jessica Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Ashe
delay it. I had an awful idea I knew why.
    “I haven’t met his father yet. If I can keep developing my relationship with Denton then I might get to meet his dad.”
    “And when you do, we want you to be kitted out with enough recording equipment to film the Super Bowl.”
    “I don’t think that’s the right approach. Denton’s father is bound to be security conscious. I doubt I’ll get close to him with any kind of bugs on me.”
    Lois considered my comments for a few seconds, but then dismissed them. “Don’t worry about Denton’s father. If we get enough evidence on Denton to convince a grand jury of his guilt, then we will be able to get a warrant so strong he won’t be able to flush the toilet without us examining the contents first.”
    This was exactly as we’d always agreed; get Denton and watch his father crumble afterwards. So why did it feel so wrong now? Despite what happened with my father, I found it hard to muster the enthusiasm to send Denton to jail. How had that happened? I’d only spent a day with him.  
    How far should I push this? Lois was my boss after all, but she also wanted my opinion. She’d told me countless times that as the person going undercover, my opinion was just as valuable as everyone else’s. I was the one taking the risks. I was the one putting my life on the line. I got to have my say, regardless of my lack of experience.
    “This operation is our only chance to bring them down,” I said, trying to sound assertive. “We’ll never be able to do this again.”
    “If we get Denton, we won’t have to.”
    “I’m not so sure. Denton isn’t the one calling the shots. I’m not convinced he’s as guilty as we first thought.”  
    “Chloe, I hope--”
    “And I don’t think he’s that close to his father,” I continued. I didn’t want to appear weak in front of Lois, but I had to say it. “What if we blow our only chance and all we get is the second-in-command. It’s Keiran Russell we want, not his son.”
    Lois stayed silent on the other end of the phone for so long that I thought she’d put me on mute. Finally she spoke up. “I’ll delay my trip until the following weekend. We can talk about it then.”
    “Thanks,” I replied. “I believe it’s for the best.”
    “Be careful, okay.”
    “I’m perfectly safe, Lois. I have my phone with me all the time.”  
    My special issue cellphone had a few alterations, one of which being a sort of panic button activated by pressing the camera lens, which would send my location to the local FBI office. If I pressed the lens for a few seconds, enough FBI agents would show up that you’d think the President was in town.
    “I didn’t mean your physical safety,” Lois explained. “I meant your mental well-being. This is your first undercover operation. You’re bound to be anxious.”
    “I’m handling it okay so far.”
    “That’s what I’m worried about.” This time it was my turn to be silent. I didn’t say anything until Lois finally decided to elaborate. “Don’t let yourself get too close to Denton. He has a way of making people trust him--especially young women. You want to appear friendly with him, but always remember that he’s the bad guy. Some of the things he’s done… Just don’t end up like Kara, okay.”
    “I won’t,” I said sincerely. Lois’ words hit me hard. I’d let myself forget what I’d read in the FBI’s files on Denton. It didn’t make for pleasant reading. He’d killed people. More than once. He had a temper.
    Last night he’d beaten a man bloody, and remained calm the entire time, even after being stabbed. If that’s what he was like when he was in control, I didn’t want to see him when he lost his temper.  
    No matter what, I shouldn’t underestimate him. I had to remember that he wasn’t the good guy.  
    If only the bad guys didn’t look so damn fine with their shirts off.
    The next couple of days were

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