What Might Have Been

Free What Might Have Been by Wendi Zwaduk

Book: What Might Have Been by Wendi Zwaduk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Zwaduk
Tags: Contemporary
    “Is that what Will did?” Tension laced his voice. “The bastard couldn’t handle it? Or did he want money?”
    “What?” She wasn’t sure if she’d spoken the question aloud or in her mind.
    “Is he the reason you’re afraid? Because he wanted the spotlight and got pissed when you had it? He should’ve kept his God damned hands off you if he wasn’t man enough to—” Tanner threw his hands in the air. “The bastard makes me so angry. I’d never hurt you, but he’s like this giant fucking gorilla in the room. You want to bolt, to keep yourself isolated. I can’t win.”
    Tears streamed down her cheeks. Will had verbally assaulted her at every turn, saying she didn’t deserve to be semi-famous when he was a more important and exciting person. Deep in her heart, she knew Tanner wasn’t Will. But words of love weren’t enough to prove he cared for her as more than a tumble in the sheets. “I think you need to leave.”
    “Macy?” Her name came out in a whisper. The vehemence in his eyes dimmed.
    “You need to go.” Even though I want you to stay.
    “Will I see you tonight? I want to escort you to the banquet and have one more night with you.”
    “I don’t know.” She placed both hands on his chest. His heartbeat throbbed against her palm. “I might not show up. I made my point yesterday afternoon and I’d like to end on a high note.”
    “Don’t run away from your heart, sweet girl.”
    Macy had opened her mouth to turn him down, when Kealie burst into the room. “You’d think those two couldn’t breathe without me.” Her dark eyes widened and both hands covered her mouth. Crimson infused her cheeks. “Oh! I’ll be right back.”
    Tanner snatched his shirt from the floor and threw it on. “No, you stay here. I’ll leave.” He shoved his feet into his boots and grabbed his keys. “Think about what I said, Macy. I meant every word. Always will.”
    Once Tanner had closed the hotel room door, Macy’s heart shredded into pieces. The warmth that had flooded her bones only hours before chilled to ice. Emptiness echoed in her soul.
    What have I done?
    His words settled in her mind. Don’t run away from your heart… She couldn’t run away from what wasn’t there. He held her heart in his grasp.
    Solitude sucked ogre balls.
    Kealie kicked his boxers with the toe of her boot and pleaded, “Tell me you fucked him within an inch of his life and you’re gonna run off to Paris, Vegas or somewhere sexy to get married.”
    “I asked him to leave.” I pushed away the first and only man I’ve ever loved.
    “Well, shit.”
    Tanner stopped in the hallway by the elevator and gritted his teeth. Thrown out like the trash! He stared at his blurred reflection in the chrome elevator doors. Pain burned through his heart. She had every right to give him the heave-ho. When she’d offered her heart in the past, he’d stomped on it with football cleats. Now the tables had turned. Or had they?
    He leant back against the panelled wall. No. Something had swirled in her eyes when she’d turned him down. He felt it deep in his soul. She wanted to do as he said, to fall into him and succumb to the strength of his arms. But what held her back? Will Tuttle, jackass extraordinaire? The man needed his clock cleaned.
    When the elevator pinged, Tanner stepped through the open doors. He stared down at his dishevelled attire. His jeans rode low on his hips. Shit. He’d forgotten his belt and his boxers somewhere on her floor. Should he retrieve them? Nah. She needed time to think.
    On the ground level, Tanner strode across the foyer and into the parking lot. His brain remained on a constant thread—Macy. Maybe the rumours were true. If Will had indeed told her she was unlovable because of her size and her delicious curves, he deserved a lobotomy.
    Tanner stopped at the trunk of his BMW. Macy outshone other women without trying. Her inner beauty made the rest of her sparkle, and he’d spent years

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