A Royal Mess and Her Knight To Remember

Free A Royal Mess and Her Knight To Remember by Jill Shalvis

Book: A Royal Mess and Her Knight To Remember by Jill Shalvis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Shalvis
of them. “Don’t be ridiculous. That would be…” A definite spectator sport. “Insulting.”
    â€œYou were.”
    Natalia busied herself fixing the large tray in front of her. “Is everyone ready to eat?”
    â€œOh, yeah.”
    She sounded so sarcastic Natalia turned, but Sally just sent her an innocent look. She grabbed a stuffed mushroom off the tray, turned it this way and that, carefully inspecting it, then finally took a tentative bite. “Hmm,” she said in lieu of a thank you.
    Okay, that was it. Natalia crossed her arms. “Is that ‘hmm’ good or ‘hmm’ bad?”
    â€œNo comment.”
    â€œYou can do better than that.”
    â€œNo, really. I can’t.”
    â€œYou know, I’m trying here.” She watched Sally wolf six more down in half as many bites.
    â€œYeah.” Sally swallowed and brushed her hands over her thighs. “Which brings me to another point. Why?”
    â€œWhy am I trying?”
    â€œWhy don’t you just go on welfare, or hit a shelter, or better yet, get a job you’re equipped for, like cooking for a bunch of people who like weird food.”
    â€œFirst of all, I do not need welfare.”
    Carefully, Natalia set down her knife. No need to tempt herself. “And second of all, I’m not even acitizen. I’m a princess, which I know your brother already told you. I suppose, as it does sound outlandish way out here in the middle of nowhere, I can forgive you not believing it. But as far as why I’m here and what I’m doing…” No. She couldn’t share it, because the need to be a woman first for once, and a princess a distant second was strong. How could a woman like Sally, who did what she wanted, when she wanted, without a care to her duties, understand? “I’m afraid it’s none of your business.”
    â€œFine. But if you’re here to snag my brother, think again. He’s not into body piercings or spiked hair.”
    No, but he’d been into the leather. “ Snag your brother? What does that even mean?”
    Sally uttered a one-word adjective that perfectly conveyed what she meant. It was a word people didn’t often utter in front of a princess.
    â€œAnd,” Sally continued, “if you harm one little hair on his head, I’ll rip out your fingernails, one by one. So stop staring at his ass.”
    Natalia actually gaped. Was this woman for real? Knowing it was rude to respond to her host in such a manner didn’t stop her. She hadn’t been raised with sisters for nothing. Thanks to Annie being so tough and forward, she knew how to fight back. “You’re kidding me, right?”
    Sally didn’t so much as blink.
    â€œWow.” Natalia shook her head. “It’s clear the American reputation of being crass and rude is completely undeserving. Because really, you’re all so sweet and caring.”
    â€œJust remember what I said,” Sally said.
    â€œTim is a big boy.”
    â€œYes, but he’s also a softie, with a heart just waiting to be stomped all over.” Sally took another mushroom and headed toward the door. “I’ll be watching you. Waiting for an excuse to kick your pretty little butt.” The door slammed.
    â€œI guess this means we won’t be polishing each other’s fingernails tonight at the slumber party, right?” Natalia called out after her, then kicked the refrigerator.
    T IM FORCED himself to take another bite of dinner, but only because Natalia was watching, her forehead puckered in a line of worry. He swallowed, hard, and managed a smile. “What is it?”
    â€œAn old family recipe.” She clasped her fingers together. “Do you like it?”
    â€œUh…” Everyone looked at him. “Well…I’ve never tasted anything quite like it.”
    Sally snorted.
    Natalia bit her lip.
    Sally pushed her

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