All That Lies Broken (Ashmore's Folly Book 2)

Free All That Lies Broken (Ashmore's Folly Book 2) by Lindsey Forrest

Book: All That Lies Broken (Ashmore's Folly Book 2) by Lindsey Forrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Forrest
Someday, when we can, we have to talk about that day. If I’m not to feel guilty, then I really don’t want you feeling guilty either, and I think you do.
    Mark, I do appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for Meg and me. I really don’t want to hurt your feelings, believe me, I don’t. But please stop making assumptions. I haven’t said I would marry you.
    Why are Meg’s adoption papers important to anyone except me?
    To: Laura St. Bride
    From: Mark St. Bride
    Subject: RE: What is going on?
    Dear Laura:
    I didn’t want to tell you this, because I have been trying to talk her out of it. Emma wants to file suit against the airline and the New York Port Authority and the WTC architects and everyone back to the prophet Mohammed and the colonists who originally settled Manhattan. Obviously, we are not going to participate in the survivors’ fund – it’s ludicrous with our resources. As Cam’s widow and the mother of his child, you are certainly welcome to do so, but I urge you not to waste your time.
    We met a few days ago with lawyers and architects to explore the feasibility of a lawsuit. While we may have a case, we will be competing with all of the other WTC families who choose to sue. Since most of the casualties occurred in the north tower, any award will be insignificant compared to our resources, and I said as much to Emma. But she is interested in accountability, not money. The lawyers told her that, since she is not the closest surviving relative, her standing to sue is very weak. They told her that you, as his widow, are the logical plaintiff, and that you can also sue as Meg’s legal guardian. To be honest, that seemed to unhinge her.
    The only way Emma can sue is to prove that Meg has no standing because she is not a blood child. But she is legally adopted, and adopted children have all the standing of natural children. She might be able to remove you, since Cam filed for divorce and the petition was rescinded the morning of his death, but there’s no getting around Meg.
    That’s why the adoption papers are important, so you need to keep them safe. I’ve looked through the papers, and you and Cam did the adoption right. It’s all legal and airtight. No need to worry.
    If you have any questions, just call me.
    Love, Mark
    To: Mark St. Bride
    From: Laura St. Bride
    Subject: NO!
    Dear Mark:
    I am not interested in suing, on my own behalf or on Meg’s. What good does it do? The airline was a victim. The tower itself was a victim. The only people to sue died at the moment of impact.
    We have enough money. And suing won’t bring Cam back.
    Question: If the adoption papers stay in your safe, are they considered to be in your “possession, custody, or control”? Or are they in mine since they belong to me?
    To: Laura St. Bride
    From: Mark St. Bride
    Subject: RE: NO!
    Dear Laura:
    We can do this by phone, you know. Have you checked your phone? Is it on?
    Yes to your first question. Right now, the papers are in my control because they are in my safe. You might want to consider leaving the papers where no one except me can get to them. “Possession, custody, or control” sounds like lawyer talk. If your sister is going to send me another letter, tell her not to bother. As I said, of course, you can have the papers if you want them.
    Onto a happier subject (I hope). I was surfing a couple of cruise sites while I listened to marketing plans. We are still over the Pacific, and I think we are all ready to get on the ground, and frankly I find market studies to be the epitome of boring. But flying so close to Alaska, I thought about something I’ve wanted to do since I was a boy – go to Antarctica. There’s a month-long cruise from January 15 to February 15 that circumnavigates the continent. Would you like to go? Not to pressure you or anything, but it would make an unforgettable honeymoon. It would mean we would have to get married at Christmas instead of

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