Twisted Sisters (The Orion Circle Book 2)
when he plowed into me… so much evil.”
    Shudders wrack my body, and Logan scoots closer with a small grunt of pain. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Shh, it’s okay, baby,” he coos in my ear. “I’m here. We’re all here.”
    Tears burn my eyes, and I tamp down the memories, refusing to cry over that evil demon of a spirit. “I know. Just give me a minute. Those ghosts are really good at drawing out the memories and anguish associated with them.”
    “Tell me about it,” Daniel mutters.
    “Well they aren’t ghosts so much as wraiths,” Rebecca says, poking her head up from her laptop.
    Carl scrunches his forehead. “I thought wraith was just the Scottish word for ghost.”
    “It is, sort of,” Rebecca replies, shrugging. “I’d call these three revenants, but they weren’t evil people in life as far as I know. A wraith is a ghost with malicious intentions. They typically feed on human fear and despair.”
    “What are revenants?” Carl asks.
    “Irrelevant,” Rebecca says, giving Carl a hard glare.
    “No it isn’t,” Raven says, turning to Carl. “He needs to learn and it’s a quick answer. A revenant is the spirit of an evil person. They strive to create havoc and destruction in life as well as death.”
    “So, the Foxblood Demon—”
    Rebecca cuts off Carl’s question. “No. See, it’s never an easy answer with him.”
    Raven ignores her and continues the explanation. “The Foxblood Demon was an evil spirit, yes, but not a revenant. Revenants are mindless spirits bent on destruction. The Foxblood Demon was well aware of everything he was doing. He was a demonic spirit. I have a book you can borrow that explains this rather well.”
    “Thanks, Raven,” Carl murmurs, looking like a dog that’s been kicked too many times.
    “Don’t feel bad, Carl,” Raven says. “I didn’t know much about ghosts when I arrived a couple months ago. I just happened to finish that book last night.”
    “Well, if we’re all done coddling Carl…” Rebecca trails off, her jaw clenched.
    Something happened between those two. I peer around Mr. Kincaid who is still cleaning my arm. Rebecca glances at Carl from the corner of her eye. When she sees his hangdog expression, her face softens.
    “Sorry, I’m going on no sleep,” Rebecca says, patting Carl’s leg.
    “I’ll get you a Coke.” Carl jumps to his feet and races into the kitchen. He’s back seconds later. “Here.”
    Rebecca’s fingers brush Carl’s as she takes the can from his hands. “Thanks.”
    Hmm, looks like I’ll need to corner her later to find out what’s going on with her and Carl. I always thought they’d make a great couple.
    “Well, that about does it,” Mr. Kincaid says, inspecting my arm. “The elbow took the brunt of it. Can you bend it?”
    I bend it back and forth a few times, wincing at the sharp pain. “Maybe I’ll take it easy for a day or two.”
    “Raven, will you wrap her elbow in a bandage while I clean up the mess?” Mr. Kincaid doesn’t stop long enough to hear her answer. He gathers the bloody gauze and disappears into the kitchen.
    “Rhetorical question, I guess,” Raven mumbles as she winds the gauze around my arm. “Tell me if it gets too tight.”
    “Okay, so Logan and I both found some interesting info that should help,” Rebecca says, her voice back to its normal cheerfulness. Oh, caffeine, the miracle worker. “So we know why the ghosts are gaining in strength. I mean a whole sorority to feed from would give them a big boost. What I couldn’t figure out is why they came through so strong in the first place.”
    “It’s odd, huh,” I say, glad someone is finally voicing my concern. “Most ghosts are weak at first, gaining in strength as time passes.”
    “Hence the normal haunting progression,” Rebecca says with a triumphant smile. “This case fits into my research so well. It’s quite exciting really.”
    “Yeah, you hang out for a while pinned to a ceiling, then tell

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