Twisted Sisters (The Orion Circle Book 2)
me just how awesome you think it is.” Raven pulls the bandage too tight, and I hiss in a sharp breath. “Sorry.”
    “No, what I mean is the normal progression of a haunting.” Damn, Rebecca’s in lecture mode. “A family moves in. Weird things start: footsteps, banging, strange sounds. These tend to increase over time as the spirit grows in power until you have Armageddon, and they call us to help. I think the spirit needs time to charge. Many haunted houses sit vacant, so the spirit loses power over time.”
    “It’s an interesting theory,” Mr. Kincaid says. “But this current situation seems to refute your hypothesis.”
    Rebecca grins. “No, it just adds a mystery element which I think I may have solved.”
    “Are you going to share or just sit there with that stupid smirk on your face?” Daniel asks, pausing in his pacing circuit to stare at Rebecca.
    “Geez, no patience. Okay, sometimes when we bless or smudge a house to rid it of hostile entities, they return… with a vengeance.” Rebecca pauses again, glancing around the room. “Where do the hostile spirits go when we force them out?”
    “The same place they all go,” Daniel says, his voice tinged with irritation.
    “Really?” Rebecca turns her gaze to me. “What do you think, Kacie?”
    My fingers drum against my leg as I consider the possibilities. “Well, we send the willing spirits into the light, and from there they go… wherever they’re supposed to, I guess.”
    “The light appears when a spirit is ready to move on,” Logan adds, nodding.
    “So if we banish an unwilling spirit, the light wouldn’t appear.” Rebecca’s voice is triumphant. “So where does the spirit go?”
    Daniel stops pacing and stares at Rebecca. “Purgatory?”
    “Or something like that,” Rebecca agrees. “So what if the spirits are trapped in limbo with nothing to do but practice and prepare for their revenge when released?”
    “That’s an awful thought,” Raven says with a shudder.
    “One ill-thought spirit board game or séance and wham‌—‌the return of a powerful, hostile ghost.” Rebecca slams her laptop closed.
    “Well, then we’re kinda screwed,” Logan says with a groan. “If we send those three back to… wherever… then the next time they come back who knows how strong they’ll be.”
    “We have to convince them to let go of their anger and move on.” The words sound even more ridiculous aloud than they did in my head before I spoke. “How?”
    Rebecca rises from her seat on the floor. “I need to share their story, then we can figure out a way.” She glances at the front door. “But first we need to do something about that spirit board. I don’t want the hostiles listening to our plans.”

Chapter Twelve — Plans
    Chapter Twelve

    After three long phone calls and a whole lot of arguing, we finally come to an agreement. The spirit board will be locked into a safe and lowered into Mr. Kincaid’s pool. Our poor leader isn’t overly happy with this solution, but our haunted relic expert said the metal combined with the deep water is the best way to keep the ghosts from using the board as another portal. Once the spirits are banished, then we can destroy the board. I watch from the patio as the others argue about how to lower the safe into the water with ropes. The thing must weigh a ton. Good thing we have a werewolf helping.
    Blake releases a low growl, and the others scramble out of his way. Without pausing, he hefts the heavy safe in his arms and drops it into the pool. It floats on the surface for a few moments before sinking to the bottom.
    The minute it sinks below the surface the air feels lighter. I breathe in a deep, cleansing breath, wincing from the pull on my ribs. The negative energy lifts, and the incessant buzzing in my ears ceases.
    “Is it just me, or is it a lot easier to breathe now?” Raven asks, taking a loud breath through her mouth.
    “Definitely a sensitive,” Kacie says,

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