The Next Door Boys

Free The Next Door Boys by Jolene B. Perry

Book: The Next Door Boys by Jolene B. Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jolene B. Perry
Tags: David_James
look so good.”
    “Yeah, I bet not.” I looked around at the cold ground I was sitting on.
    “Can I help you back down?” He asked. He looked over his shoulder several times. “Should I call your brother? The hospital?” He was standing next to me looking very unsure about what he should do. He started to sit next to me but changed his mind. He didn't seem able to stand still.
    “I hate asking for help.”
    “You didn't ask, I offered.” He reached out his hand and pulled me up. He let me lean on him down the hill. I wasn't totally comfortable with Brian, but at least he wasn't Evan, asking to wait for me to heal so he could take me out. I blinked back more tears of frustration.
    “So, Evan, huh?” A hint of tease in his voice.
    “Apparently I was too nice to him.” I let out an exasperated sigh. “I guess I need to start being mean to boys so they'll leave me alone.”
    “Should I back away from your wrath?” he teased.
    I just shook my head. I held on to him tightly as my shaky legs slipped underneath me on the way down the hill. We were back to the cars in no time. I really thought I was going to pass out alongside the trail.
    “I'm exhausted. I had an especially long night last night. Do you mind if I sit with you?” he asked.
    I was too cold and shaky to argue. Almost anyone's warm car sounded pretty nice. “Just promise you won't tell me you're falling in love with me.”
    “I promise.” He laughed as we climbed into his car.
    “You know you intimidate me,” I said when he sat down. I didn't look at him. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the headrest, hoping my body would start to cooperate since I was sitting still. I felt as if he deserved some explanation as to why I didn't talk as easily to him as everyone else seemed to.
    He laughed. “How?”
    “I don't know. You seem years older than Jaron, and you're just so grown up, and you've had all these experiences. It's like you lived a whole life before you got to where you are. You seem a lot older than us in a lot of ways.” I didn't move. I didn't open my eyes.
    “Oh.” There was surprise in his voice. “Well, I am a few years older than Jaron, but it doesn't feel like a lot to me. I sit at church and feel years behind everyone.”
    I tried to keep my breathing slow and even, trying to concentrate on the things around me. I felt as though I hadn't slept in a week, but I knew that even if I could lie down, I wouldn't be able to sleep. Nausea and dizziness took over.
    “Are you okay, Leigh?” There was real concern in his voice now. “I think we should get you home.” He started his car.
    “Yeah,” I agreed. “I need to be home.” I blinked away spots again. I put my hands against the cool glass and started to take turns putting them on my forehead.
    “You know, I've been in worse situations, but I'm a little scared here. Do I take you to a hospital? What should I do?”
    “Please, no hospitals. Just food and home.”
    “I'll call your brother. He was racing Megan to the top. You know, I think there might be something there.”
    “Jaron and Megan?” I nearly laughed. “They're just good friends, that's all. Besides, she's waiting for her missionary, remember?” Brian was good at distraction.
    “Well, you know what they say—all the best marriages start with great friendships.”
    “We'll see.” I felt worse by the minute, more dizziness, more floating. I really didn't want to scare Brian by passing out in the car. The cancer was gone. The chemo was over. My body should be behaving. If I got off schedule or overstressed, I couldn't sleep. I did the best I could, I'd have a few bad nights followed by a few shaky, drugged up days, and then I'd start the cycle over again. I rubbed my fingers over my forehead.
    Brian pulled out his phone. “Jaron? I'm taking your sister home… um, terrible…” I threw him a look and he just shrugged. “I already asked her and she said home was fine…”
    “Tell him I'm taking a

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