A Prison of Worlds (The Chained Worlds Chronicles Book 1)

Free A Prison of Worlds (The Chained Worlds Chronicles Book 1) by Daniel Ruth

Book: A Prison of Worlds (The Chained Worlds Chronicles Book 1) by Daniel Ruth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel Ruth
door.  Spinning, I faced the door, which had been blown open and now had smoke
pouring through it. 
have a pretty high tolerances for surprises; it takes a lot to phase me, but I
admit I was looking around with my jaw agape trying to figure out what the hell
was happening.
the hell blew up?” I shouted as if I was yelling over an explosion.  “I mean
other than those bodies we just threw out the window,” I continued in a quieter
I guess the other three I killed on the way up to here,” the little Asian woman
said uncertainly.  I looked at her a moment.
other three?” I deadpanned.
were two waiting for me when I got out of the elevator and one ran by almost as
soon as I had downed the first two,” she said, shrugging.
looked at the smoke billowing into the apartment.  The fire sprinkler system
triggered, soaking us both in seconds.  “Well, I think I worked up an
appetite.  Dinner?”
woman I assumed to be Mei Ling glanced expressionless from the door blown off its
frame to the hole where the window once was.  “Let me get my travel bag.  I
think it’s time to check out.”

slipped down the stairs along with the stream of people evacuating the
building.  There were a few police and firemen running up, huffing and puffing
and generally looking stressed out.  Considering they probably were worried
about further bombs, I suppose they had just cause.  I would have told them it
was merely exploding shifter wizard minions, but I doubted that would have soothed
we were out of the building, we simply walked past the fire barges floating in
the street and traveled a few blocks to a pub.  Slipping inside, we found a dark
cozy nook in the corner of the room and ordered a couple steaks.  She ordered a
beer and I had a root beer.  I think she gave me an odd look, but I ignored her
in favor of savoring the sarsaparilla flavoring.  When alcohol, stimulants, and
other drugs have no effect you take your pleasures where you can.
pub was made up in a style I recognized from Jeremy’s old movies as the 1930’s
era.  There was a tiny model train that slowly chugged around the wall that
didn’t seem like an authentic period decoration but all in all the décor was set
firmly in a simpler time period, long before cars flew and nanites melted
in bliss at the sweet carbonated goodness, I started the conversation.  “So
what's a cute werewolf like you doing in a dump like this?”  I think I heard a
line like that somewhere on our movie nights.
started and then chuckled, “Well you brought me here, so you'd know best. 
Besides, I am not.”
not what?” I asked having lost track of the conversation.  It was a bad sign
considering we had just started.
am not a werewolf,” she stated calmly, examining me for a reaction.
Er... panther?” I offered as a suggestion.
cat?”  This merely garnered a look of mild disdain.
was a moment of silence.  I guess I didn't really need to know her sub-species,
but it boded ill to a possible partnership if she wasn't willing to share even
this much.  I hoped she wasn’t a were-elephant. It would really feel weird.
were you doing in my apartment?”
to interrogate the people I found there,” I offered.  “They didn't seem to
belong there.”
this point, the steaks arrived and we were distracted for a few minutes
eating.  Both hers and mine were extremely rare.  I mentally checked
were-elephant and were-whale off my mental list.  I suppose a were-killer-whale
was possible even though I had never heard of one.  Would they be called
were-orcas?  I finished first since I tend to gulp my food and started another
conversational gambit.
Mei Ling?” I asked.  It never hurts to be sure you actually are talking to the
right person.
I waited for more. 

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