Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)

Free Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories) by Jada Turner

Book: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories) by Jada Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jada Turner
the area’s elite. The tickets had been sold at a higher price than usual to keep out the riff-raff. Fitzgerald had managed to get the best seats, a box that looked down on the stage.
    Diana and Mariah took their places on gilt chairs with plush red upholstery. Fitzgerald sat next to Mariah. Diana looked around the auditorium, but there was no sign of the stranger.
    The play began and Diana tried to become engrossed in the farcical plot on the stage but all the while she kept wondering if he was out there somewhere.
    The interval came. Diana, Mariah and Fitzgerald took refreshments in their box. And then Diana saw him.
    The stranger was outside their box. He wasn’t in white tie and tails like Fitzgerald. He had his usual shabby clothes on, and the first thing she noticed was that he had managed to get the buttons on his trousers repaired.
    “Yes, what do you want man?” said Fitzgerald with authority.
    “Beggin’ your pardon sir,” said the stranger. “I’ve a message for Lady Diana from her husband if I may, with your permission sir, divulge it to M’lady in er… confidence sir.” His delivery was worth a role on the stage.
    Diana hoped Fitzgerald wouldn’t see through him.
    Mariah turned her face towards Diana and raised her left eyebrow. Diana sent back an almost imperceptible nod.
    “Well, I don’t want you going anywhere unaccompanied with this ruffian,” said Fitzgerald.
    “I’ll go with her,” said Mariah.
    The two ladies stood. Fitzgerald stood in respect and then sat down as the ladies left the box. Diana closed the box’s door.
    “I take it this is…?” said Mariah.
    “Yes,” said Diana.
    “I see,” said the stranger. “I just came to tell you that I am sailing for India in two days time. I thought it polite to let you know.”
    Mariah stepped a discreet distance from the couple.
    “Well, that’s that then,” said the stranger turning to go.
    Mariah stepped back to them. “You can’t go just like that man.”
    “Excuse me Miss but I don’t think this is any of your business,” said the stranger.
    “Indeed it is not. But obviously you two are a couple of fools if you part like this. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small key. She handed it to Diana. “This is for the rooms in the Pantiles, you know, where we used to play as children. We still own it. You have an hour and a half before the end of the play and a few minutes while people leave. I’ll cover for you. Be back here in one and a half hours, no later.”
    Mariah opened the door and stepped into the box.
    Diana heard her say: “Jolly bad luck. Diana has to sort out a couple of minor problems. She’ll miss the last act, but she’ll be back in time for carriages.”
    “Is she safe with that man? Who is he?”
    “Yes perfectly safe. He’s one of her servants.”
    Diana walked along the Pantiles, past the spring that brought the wealthy and and well connected to Tunbridge Wells to take the waters now that it was fashionable after the Prince Regent’s visit. Her heart almost in her mouth beat like it would escape from her body. The stranger followed a few steps behind like a dutiful servant. They arrived at the door. Diana tried to insert the key, but her hand shook too much. The stranger took it from her, turned the key and pushed open the door. He held it for her as she entered and then closed it behind him.
    They climbed the stairs to the room. A chaise lounge occupied the centre. Carpets lay rolled at the side. A rag doll sat on a shelf looking at them. Diana remembered it from when they used to play there as children pretending that this was their house.
    The stranger took her hand and kissed it. Then he kissed her lips as his hand slipped down her décolletage and squeezed her nipple gently.
    Her hands went inside his jacket, round his back and pulled out his shirt.
    He reached down and lifted her dress, running his hands along the silk stockings until he reached the bare flesh of her

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