
Free Dirty by Kathryn Rose

Book: Dirty by Kathryn Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Rose
    I’m hard just listening to the crowd screaming out my name. Davin! Davin! Davin! I’m only a few feet away from them and they don’t even realize it. The curtains hide me as I drink in their love, their admiration. I love it. It’s the strongest drug out there. When I hear them chanting my name, I swear I’m soaring above the stadium. If I stood here long enough, I would probably shoot a load off in my pants. But that’ll have to wait until later. Right now, I’m going to blow their fucking ears off.
    I hear our opening act announce us and then I’m walking across the stage in almost complete darkness. I know where I’m going though, I always do. Every show we play, the roadies setup the stage the same. As soon as I see the white X on the floor, indicating where I should stand, I stop. And I wait. Mikey, Chad, and Brandon should be in place by now.
    The roar is deafening by now as thousands of people shout my name. I smile when I think that one lucky bitch is going to be screaming it even louder tonight. I hope she’s a screamer. Maybe if I’m lucky, she will be a biter as well. If not, I’ll find someone else that can keep up with me. It’s not like they aren’t lining up for me. I know I look the part of a rock star. My hair is a light brown. I keep it shaggy and just a little bit messy. My eyes are a hazel color. My arms and chest are covered in tattoos. I work out enough that my stomach is a tight six pack. Overall, I’m hot as fuck and I know it. Cocky? Yes. But I only speak the truth.
    The lights come on and I’m temporarily blinded by them. I blink a few times before I can finally see. Once my vision is clear, I stare out at the fans in front of me. They’re still screaming, louder than before if possible. I stay silent as I watch them. They’re all so full of life. Women sit on men’s shoulders with their tops already off. One woman close to the stage throws her bra up on stage. It lands at my feet. I smile as I pick it up and dangle it from one finger.
    “Thanks, babe.” I murmur into the microphone.
    I can see her screaming up at me, clawing at the stage as she tries to get closer. I drop the bra back onto the stage and turn my attention to the rest of the crowd.
    “Are you guys ready to fuck this place up or what?” I finally scream out.
    Their answering cheers are enough for me. I nod my head slightly, Mikey’s cue to start beating on his drums. We always start out with this song. We’ve been at this for over six years and have tons of songs, but this one is our baby. It’s the one that brought us together. When shit hits the fan, it keeps us together.
    I wait until Chad and Brandon start into the song before I start singing. We’re perfectly in sync like always. With the exception of when we first started playing together, we always play perfectly. We’re just that fucking good.
    I run my hands through my shaggy brown hair once just before I start to sing. Women love it when my hair sticks up like crazy. They always run their hands through it while I’m fucking them, so I do it onstage for everyone else that doesn’t get that privilege.
    My voice is smooth at first as I start into the song. The first few verses are smooth, calming even. But once I hit the chorus, all hell breaks loose as I start screaming into the mic. A roar rips from me and I let go. I let the music take over. It’s just me and the song. No one else is around when I’m in the zone like this.
    Once we finish the song, I grab the bottle of Jack Daniels that is waiting for me on a stool next to the mic stand and take a swig. It burns as it goes down, but I ignore it as I take another drink. I put the bottle back down and turn back to the crowd.
    “How the hell is everyone doing tonight?” I shout into the mic.
    I smile as they scream back at me. Their enthusiasm never ceases to amaze me.
    “I’ve had a hell of a week, but it’s starting to look pretty damn good right now seeing all of you fuckers

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