stood outside my uncle’s house looking up at it. There were guards everywhere,
but they were young hunters, so I managed to avoid them. The guns felt heavier
in their holsters now that I was standing in front of the house. I was
determined when I was in the library, but now that I was here, I was finding it
hard to move forward. I had no problem getting rid of Julian. I was pretty sure
he was the one who attempted to kill Drake. He was the only hunter that would
use a gun. I doubted my uncle would sink so low, then again he had sunk lower
than I ever imagined.
wanted to avoid Tanner and my aunt getting hurt. I would have to convince
Tanner to get my aunt and himself out of the house before I even approached
Julian or my uncle. I thought of Tanner’s room, and I was suddenly there. I was
really getting the hang of this transportation thing.
jumped when I appeared not far from him. “Jeez Lillian!” he hissed. He was
careful to keep his voice low so he wouldn’t alert others. I was glad he was
still on my side. I figured if he was going to tell on me, now would be a good
I just need to talk to you. There are guards everywhere so I couldn’t use the
front door,” I said slightly amused.
smiled too like he got the joke, then his expression immediately darkened. “The
shit is about to hit the fan. I heard there was some werewolf shot.”
I know. Drake is my wolf, and that is why I came. I need to confront Julian and
your father, but I want you and your mother gone. I need you both to leave,” I
said softly.
watched me for a second, then fear crossed his face. “You think it’s them, so
you are going to kill them,” he said softly.
course I think it is them, and they aren’t giving me much of a choice. I can’t
let them hurt people I care about, and that includes you and your mother,” I
said quietly. I didn’t really want to have this conversation with him, but I
wasn’t about to lie. Everyone kept Tanner in the dark because they thought he
was weak. I knew better. He wasn’t weak, he was just quiet.
he started, but the door opened catching both of our attention.
aunt walked in oblivious to my presence. “Tanner, I am doing laundry…” she
started, then she caught sight of me and hesitated.
quickly shut the door and locked it. “Don’t freak out mom. Lillian isn’t here
to hurt us,” Tanner said quickly.
scowled at him. “I know that. I assume she is here for Julian,” she said
turning her attention back to me.
was a little surprised my aunt knew what was going on. Most of the time she
acted oblivious to everything. “I am here for Julian, and Uncle Carl. They are
both starting a war, and a lot of people are going to die,” I said firmly.
could see the fear cross her face at the mention of my uncle’s name. “I know
you uncle has made some poor decisions, but Julian is the one pushing the war.
Your uncle is just afraid to stand against him. Please, just go after Julian.
Get him out of the way, and things will calm down. Your uncle will back down, I
know he will.” She sounded like she was pleading with me.
of me still wanted to believe my uncle wasn’t as bad as he seemed, but I knew
better. I didn’t want to kill my uncle, but I didn’t want a war either. “If I
agree not to harm Uncle Carl will you leave with Tanner, and go to Luca and
Kate where you will be safe?”
glanced at Tanner like she expected him to protest. Julian knew I still cared
about Tanner and my aunt. I had no doubt he would use them against me even if
he was working with my uncle. “I suppose we could go for the night,” she said
hesitantly as she looked back at me.
then go. As soon as you are gone I will confront Julian,” I said hoping my aunt
would follow through. She obviously knew what they were doing was wrong. She wouldn’t
have agreed if she thought they were staying true to the hunters

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