When Lust Rules

Free When Lust Rules by Virginia Cavanaugh

Book: When Lust Rules by Virginia Cavanaugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Cavanaugh
if you might consider moving in with me until things settle down. I would feel
better knowing you’re safe in my den.”
    Wow. Moving in with him presented a whole new set of
worries. No way would she be able to resist the sexual attraction that continued
to grow between them. And she didn’t want to. Hell, even though she should be
worried about her safety right now, her body still buzzed with the awareness of
desire. It was hard not to notice how his leg touched hers from hip to knee.
And what if more than sexual attraction started growing between them? He said
until things settled down. “I don’t know.”
    He smiled a sexy movement of his lips that held a delightful
promise. “Maybe I could convince you?”
    She sighed as his mouth came down over hers. Damn, if it
wasn’t hard to think straight when he kissed her like this. She parted her
lips, allowing his tongue to dip inside the depths of her mouth. The sensual
slide had her relaxing and leaning into his warm body. His hands traced down
her back and gripped her hips. Without losing possession of her mouth, he
lifted her, and she found herself straddling his hips.
    Luken released her mouth and trailed kisses down her throat
as he tugged at the material of her dress.
    “Oh yes,” Julie whispered as he pushed at his own pants,
bringing his smooth, hard cock in contact with her slick labia. She rocked her
hips, letting her wetness coat his length. He released a low growl and nipped
at the flesh of her neck. There was no stopping the smile spreading across her
face. She rocked her hips again and his fingers bit into her hips. “You like
    “Hell yeah, baby.”
    Each rocking motion stimulated her clit in a wonderful way
as his length slid through her wet slit. His gaze fell to where their bodies
met and she moaned as he bit into his lower lip, watching her pussy dance along
his cock.
    She’d never rode the length of any man this way—had always
had their cocks inside her as she’d rocked her hips. The silken skin covering
his marble-hard erection teased her clit to perfection. She moaned as she
tossed her head back and worked her sensitive flesh along his dick.
    Luken’s hands left her hips and she cried out as he pinched
her nipples with just enough force to bring her arousal even higher. Her hips
undulated faster against him as he massaged her breasts.
    “That’s right, Julie. Rub that pretty pussy against my cock
till you come.”
    Throbbing pulses racked her cunt, matching her accelerated
heart rate. Her clit tingled as she creamed. So close. A moan tore from her
lips and transitioned into erratic breaths as the pulses of climax swept
through her pussy.
    He gripped her hips, lifting her until she slid down onto
his cock. Her climax reached a new peak as he moved her up and down on his
erection. Julie gripped his forearms and held tight as he bucked beneath her.
The orgasm continued to roll through her. As one wave ebbed, another began to
crest. He fulfilled his promise as a scream ripped from her throat. Wonderful
sensations flooded her body.
    In the background she heard the phone ringing, but didn’t
care. Her mind remained focused on each movement of his dick and the pleasure
it would bring.
    “Fuck, Julie. I can’t hold back any longer.”
    Warm jets of cum bathed her insides and her cunt clenched
around him as he half growled, half moaned with his own release. Her body
became so sated she fell forward, lying across his chest. Their labored breaths
mingled. His heart beat steady beneath her ear. So relaxed, her lids started to
flutter closed.
    Her body tensed, and her eyes opened wide.
    “It’s coming from the machine,” Luken said.
    She scrambled from Luken’s body. She had to have imagined
that voice.
    “Julie, did you miss me? Pick up the phone, Julie.”
    Her gaze shot to Luken’s and she could see his displeasure.
    “Who is it?”
    Her mouth opened, but the words wouldn’t come out. How in
the hell had

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