Her Love Lost (Love Shattered Series Book 1)

Free Her Love Lost (Love Shattered Series Book 1) by Unknown

Book: Her Love Lost (Love Shattered Series Book 1) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
be doing wonderful. All thanks to Dexter, even if things don’t go anywhere between us after Saturday he has shown me what’s it’s like to live again and to feel wanted again. The old Courtney is back and nothing is going to stand in my way.

    I woke up at five thirty this morning because I couldn’t sleep. I was too excited to be able to see Courtney again today. I lie in bed and read over our texts from the previous night with a grin on my face. That girl is something else that is for sure. Since I am wide awake and won’t be going back to sleep, I decide to head out for a run. I live on a farm that sits on about thirty acres with lots of trails that are great for running on.
    I get into my running gear, and just as I am starting to tie up the laces on my tennis shoes the sun is starting to peek over the horizon. Perfect, this is my favorite time of day to run. I grab my iPod and strap it on my arm, then put my ear buds in and head out side to do a few warm ups and stretches before I begin my run.
    As I am running I can’t help but notice a lot of the songs playing remind me of Courtney. Man I just can’t keep her off my mind everything reminds me of her. When I have finished my run after a five mile trek around the property, I stop at the chicken house and collect some fresh eggs for breakfast then head in to shower and start packing the cooler for the day.
    By the time I am done with all of that it is time to head over and pick up Rob so we can go get our girls. Our girls, man I am just loving the sound of that. I know Lillian has a boyfriend back home, but from what I have heard he isn’t that great of a catch more like just a sperm donor sticking around, because if he didn’t have Lillian he would be a homeless loser. It would be kind of cool if Rob and I were dating sisters. Then we could travel back and forth together to see them in between shooting on the show. There I go spouting off like a high school teenage girl again.
    I pull into Robs drive way a mile down the road. Yes, he lives on my property in his own house. He bought a piece of land from me a while back when we first started filming together. We both like the privacy this land offers. Rob hops into the SUV then we head on down the road.
    “Dexter, please tell me why we are seeing these girls again today. I thought last night was just to smooth things over with them after I kicked that ball at them. Now here we are picking them up to spend the day with them again. I don’t understand.” Rob sounds irritated this morning.
    “Rob, dude, first of all, don’t act like taking these ladies out today is a hardship for you. They are beautiful women and I had a really good time last night. Second of all, I don’t know what it is about this girl but I can’t get her off my mind. There is something there between us that I have never felt before. I want to spend as much time with her as possible before she leaves on Saturday. Also, you and Lillian seem to have hit it off pretty good last night too.” I look over at him daring him to deny he had fun with her. Every time I looked over at them last night they were all close and comfortable. I thought I even saw him rub her belly and singing to her as well so he can’t deny that.
    “You are right. They are a lot of fun, and Lillian and I got along great, but she is pregnant man and she has a guy back home. That seems like too much trouble to get myself into. I think we could be really good friends but that’s about it.  Plus she is having a kid dude. I am not ready to be a step dad. Who wants to raise someone else’s kids?” Rob doesn’t know it yet but he has officially pissed me off.
    “Courtney has three kids man. Their dad died. How can you be so callous about something like that? Those kids need a father figure in their life. If things work out with Cor and I, then you best bet your sweet ass that I am going to be there for those kids too. I won’t want to replace

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