Eden's Dream

Free Eden's Dream by Marcia King-Gamble

Book: Eden's Dream by Marcia King-Gamble Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia King-Gamble
of fattening biscuits, so another bowl of cholesterol won’t hurt.”
    Noel picked up his plate and stood. “How about if I help with the dishes?”
    â€œNo dessert, then?”
    â€œNo thanks. I’m stuffed.”
    As they cleaned up the kitchen, Eden again had the uncanny feeling she’d seen him before. She wondered if he’d tell her the truth if she asked. “Noel,” she began, “why is it I get the feeling I’ve met you before?” Noel stacked the last plate in the dishwasher and latched the door. He wiped his hands on the towel she gave him. His voice grew serious when he said, “I would have remembered if we’d met, Eden.” He dropped the damp towel on the counter and pulled her closer to him. “I’d have a hard time forgetting.”
    She was lost in his eyes, lost in the moment. When he dipped his head to claim her lips, she wound her arms around his neck and brought him closer. As their bodies melded and the kiss deepened, her defenses weakened.
    Against her hair, Noel whispered, “Eden, I want to make love to you.”
    His hands cupped her bottom, pressing her closer. She felt his arousal and knew he meant business. If she said yes, he would take her right there on the hard kitchen floor, if that was what she wanted. She wasn’t ready yet.
    â€œNoel,” she said, “I want—” What did she want? Assurance, that he was who he said he was?
    â€œAnything, baby, anything.”
    â€œI want us to—stop.”
    Noel’s arms fell to his sides. Eden stumbled.
    â€œIf that’s what you want. Fine by me.”
    â€œNoel,” Eden pleaded, “I hardly know you.”
    He was already at the door, his voice cool. “No big thing. I understand. Would you mind if I took some of those files with me? I’d like to review them before we meet again.”
    â€œSure.” Eden thrust a stack of folders at him. “Noel, I’m really sorry.”
    â€œNo problem.”
    Silent messages arced across the space as their eyes held and locked. For a moment she imagined she saw regret there and something more. A ringing phone reminded them of the outside world.

Chapter 6
    T he rude intrusion brought the present sharply into focus. Eden’s heart thudded as she glanced in the direction of the sound, then back at Noel.
    â€œWould you like me to get that?” Noel asked.
    â€œPlease.” Her voice sounded strained, as if all oxygen had been cut off from her lungs.
    Noel quickly retraced his steps, grabbed the ringing phone, and shouted into the receiver. “Listen you…” Embarrassment flashed across his features as he caught himself, and in more amenable tones added, “Yes, Eden’s right here.” He handed over the receiver, and with an exaggerated grimace, mouthed, “Sorry. It’s your mother.”
    Eden’s lips twitched as she pictured her mother’s shocked expression on the other end. No doubt her cheeks were puffed in outrage. Making an effort to squelch the laughter bubbling below her diaphragm, she braced herself for the inevitable slew of questions to follow. “Hi, Mom. Isn’t this somewhat early for you?”
    â€œEden, who was that man?”
    Eden tried her best not to giggle. “What was that?”
    â€œYou heard me. That man, Eden. Who is he?”
    Noel raised his hand, wiggling his fingers. Having the grace to at least look sheepish, he edged his way toward the door. He paused on the threshold, winked, and stage-whispered, “Call me later. My number’s on the table.”
    She could kill him, just kill him. He’d abandoned her, leaving her to handle the maternal inquisition.
    Her mother’s voice penetrated. “Eden, answer me, child.”
    â€œSorry, Mom. I was saying good-bye to someone.”
    â€œFunny, you never mentioned someone before. Are you seeing this man, Eden?” This time her mother sounded

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