Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters

Free Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters by Myunique C. Green

Book: Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters by Myunique C. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Myunique C. Green
that for him to date again.
    “I’m going to drive,” he called back.
    “That’s a first! Do you even know where your keys are?” I said excitedly.
    He chuckled then reached into his pockets and pulled out the keys. “I always know where my keys are, little sister.”
    “Cool, I’ll meet you there,” I said smiling as I opened the door of my own car.
    “You want to know the good thing about living in something like a desert?” he paused then opened his door. “There are hardly any cops around, and I hear that it’s pretty much a straight stretch of road from here to the school…” He let his words linger for a bit and I looked over at him.
    “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I replied.
    “Race you there!”

Chapter Eight
    Entering the student parking section was the moment when I’d realized that my coming here was a horrible mistake. Close to a hundred students were scattered all around and unintentionally causing my body to involuntarily shut down. I tried to pull myself together as I looked around briefly at everyone; I caught the eyes of a girl in a blue top and white pants looking in my direction.
    Oh great, more people to not notice I exist. This day keeps getting better and better. The girl thought before rolling her eyes at me and looking away.
    We drove around for a few minutes before finding two open parking spaces near the front of the building and parked. I turned the car off and tried to block out all of the rambling psychotic voices in my head. My own thoughts were once again forced aside and each thought demanded my attention, making it entirely too hard to concentrate. Ash tapped on the window and I jumped.               “You okay?” he said, talking through the glass.
    “Yeah I’m fine, you scared me.”
    “You’re hearing them all at once aren’t you?”
    “What do you think?” I opened the car door and stepped out.
    “This is different. There was hardly anyone just standing around outside at our old school.” Ash said trying to take my attention off of the scrambled madness going on in my brain.
    It didn’t help, there was way too much confusion for me to think about anything. My vision blurred randomly, I staggered to a nearby pole and put my back against it, allowing myself to slide to the ground. “This is it, someone just kill me now,” I whispered.
    Ash kneeled beside me and put a hand on my knee. “You’re fine Aliza, we’ll figure this thing out together. Just toughen up and pull yourself together. Now get up from the ground before people start thinking we’re weird.”
    “A small migraine never killed anyone, right? People don’t die of aneurism’s every year.” I said sarcastically. “You have no idea what I’m going through, I don’t car e about what these people think because I can actually hear them,” I stressed, “Trust me, none of them are even worried about us.”
    I got up from the ground and dusted my clothes off; my vision remained hazy as I glanced around, I couldn’t leave but I couldn’t stay. “I think I just need to be alone. My vision is impaired so I won’t be driving home anytime soon. If you need me later, I’ve probably stuffed myself in a janitor’s closet somewhere.”
    “Wait Aliza, how can you say I have no idea what you’re going through? Did you not see what’d happened to me as I stood outside of that horrible gas station?” His voice was slightly raised yet it came out as a dull whisper. “Which wasn’t the only thing that’d happened if you haven’t pieced it all together by now. I can’t believe how selfish you are being right now.” He turned his back to me then walked off and disappeared into the crowd of students, already eager to get in where he fit in.
    I rubbed my eyes continuously as I tried to see clearly; when nothing helped, I gave up and walked around almost blindly. Remembering the girl that I’d saw when I’d first come into the parking lot, I looked around for

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