Under the Millionaire's Mistletoe

Free Under the Millionaire's Mistletoe by Maureen Child

Book: Under the Millionaire's Mistletoe by Maureen Child Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen Child
That’s not what I think of you. It’s what I think of Garret. He refuses to grow up and I’m starting to wonder if he’s even capable of it.”
    Only slightly mollified, Anna said, “But you did think I was after your money.”
    He didn’t deny it. What would be the point? They both knew the truth. After a second or two, he said, “Okay, yeah. I did. Why the hell else would a woman like you be dating Garret?”
    â€œYou really believe I could do something like that? Use someone? Barter myself?”
    He scowled and folded his arms over the chest she’d been draped across only moments ago. “I don’t have to remind you that your father’s company is failing—or that I’ve got more than enough money to save it.”
    â€œNo,” she assured him haughtily, “you really don’t.”
    â€œStop being so damn insulted. You wouldn’t have been the first woman to use sex to get what you wanted.”
    She fisted her hands at her hips. “And is that what I’m doing now? With you?”
    He glared at her. “How the hell am I supposed to know? You tell me.”
    Stung to the heart of her, Anna’s unshed tears nearly blinded her. She stepped into her shoes and lifted her chin to match him glare for glare. “If you really do think so little of me, then I was wrong about you from the beginning.”
    He didn’t say a word, just stood there, watching her. With every pulse beat, another tiny piece of Anna’s heart broke away and shattered. Gathering up what dignity she had left, she said quietly, “I never want to see you again. You can mail me a check for my work.”
    â€œFine,” he answered quietly.
    Before she left, she took one last jab. “When you’re in your office, I hope you look at the snake often and remember why it has your features.”

    C hristmas Day was just awful.
    The Cameron family holiday breakfast was strained as Anna watched her father strive to remain cheerful despite the deepening worry lines at the corners of his eyes. Clarissa made a big show of a supposed “cold” that kept her constantly sniffing and wiping her eyes with her handkerchief.
    And Anna missed Sam desperately.
    She hadn’t spoken to him in days, which only told her that she’d made the right decision. Sam had no doubt realized that they were better off apart. Truth didn’t make the pain any easier to live with, though.
    Yet, watching her father go through the motions on a holiday he loved was unsettling. She was worried enough about him that her own pain was taking a backseat.
    After an exchange of presents, Anna joined her father in his study for a cup of coffee. Clarissa excused herself to take some cold medication.
    â€œDad,” Anna said, sitting beside him on the brown leather sofa, “is it really so bad?”
    Her father frowned and Anna knew she was crossing into unexplored territory. Ordinarily, her dad preferred that she and Clarissa be happy and completely ignorant of his business dealings. But after a moment or two, he gave a resigned sigh.
    Patting her hand, he admitted, “It’s not looking good right now, honey.”
    â€œIs there anything I can do?”
    â€œI don’t want you worried about this, understand?” He gave her tight smile. “Things will work out as they’re supposed to. I’m sure the new year will bring plenty of opportunities.”
    Her heart already aching from the loss of Sam, Anna felt another wrench. Her father had worked hard his entire life to build a company he was proud of. Was he really going to lose it? And if he did, what would it do to him?
    â€œNo sad faces,” he chided, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “We’ve got some Christmas cakes to eat, remember?”
    Another family tradition. Decadent cupcakes covered in Christmassy icing were always eaten after breakfast in the Cameron house. She watched

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